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Sánchez advocates for the agreement on Gibraltar at the UN and asks for “respect” in relation to sovereignty

Sánchez at the UN.

September 26, 2024 – 20:00

He President of the Government, Pedro Sánchezhas argued for a deal on Gibraltar during his speech at the general debate of the 79th session of the United Nations (UN) General Assembly, at the same time that he has asked for “respect” in relation to the question of the sovereignty of the rock.

Sánchez stated that both Spain and the United Kingdom continue to “work intensely” to reach a bilateral understanding regarding Gibraltar after ‘Brexit’ to lay “the foundations for a future relationship between this territory and the European Union.”

“It is agreement must be fully respectful with the United Nations doctrine on said territory, with which Spain fully aligns itself»continued the president of the government, who has also asked for “respect for the legal position of my country with respect to sovereignty and jurisdiction in relation to it,” he added.

His speech was responded to by the mayor of Algeciras and PP senator, José Ignacio Landaluce, who stated that Sánchez “has not done his homework because has not claimed the recovery of the territory«.

Likewise, he has criticized that “he has not demanded that the bases be removed or that he has a commitment to avoid environmental damage that is being produced with the landfills.” «The fillings are being tremendous, Gibraltar is getting bigger every day and it does so at the cost of our territorial waters, our property, our territory,” he added.

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