Strike against intrusion and pseudotherapies in San Vicente. Official College of Physicians of Alicante (Coma) filed a complaint with the Ministry of Health against the owner of a clinic, that was worth the thermographya technique that uses a special camera to measure and display the temperature from the surface of the body, supposedly detect early on breast cancer. Now, following an inspection by the Ministry itself, it has proceeded to close the centre.

The accused person defended on social media that clinical thermography is useful for the “prevention, diagnosis and control” of breast cancer. All of this, according to the Coma, without scientific evidence.

The institution warns that this is a “dangerous discourse” spread through the social networkswhere he encouraged women to resort to clinical thermography, which he practiced, instead of undergoing mammograms. In fact, the Coma claims that the accused “even dared to recommend Avoid mammogramsfor attributing to them the origin of breast cancers.”

Without authority

The health planning and inspection section of the Ministry of Health carried out an on-site inspection last July, following the complaint filed by the Coma. During the inspection, they say it was found that the owner of the centre lacked health training regulated by Law 44/2003, of November 21, and therefore the center lacked health authorization, so the “immediate cessation of activity and withdrawal of advertising” was decreed.

The president of Coma, the Dr. Hermann Schwarzhas highlighted that among the main objectives of the College of Physicians of Alicante is to defend the medical profession and guarantee correct practice, so “we will always act forcefully and legally pursue any act of professional intrusion that threatens or endangers people’s health. This is one of our priorities. These deceptive therapies cause negative effects for patients and, in some cases, even the abandonment of effective medical therapies.”

Along these lines, Dr. Hermann Schwarz has pointed out that “we will remain vigilant, ensuring the safety and health of the people of Alicante, investigating all cases of pseudosciences or pseudotherapies that come into our hands, raising awareness about bad practices that may pose a risk to the health of the population.” health risk of the population. This is our commitment and to put it into practice we also have the advice and support of the Scientific Societies, in this case the Spanish Society of Medical Radiology and the Spanish Society of Breast Diagnostic Imaging, consulted on this matter, guarantors of scientific evidence.”

Judicial route

The Coma has claimed that it was a doctor Radiodiagnostic specialist who raised the alarm and informed the institution of the reported events. The College wishes to highlight its actions, which have achieved through administrative means the immediate cessation of activity and withdrawal of advertising.

In parallel, they indicate that the judicial route has been opened, with the admission for processing of the complaint filed by the Coma before the Provincial Court Prosecutor’s Office and which is already being investigated by the San Vicente Court of Instruction, which is responsible for the case.

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