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San Luca di Lucca is national excellence in heart attack treatment

Cardiovascular diseases continue to represent the leading cause of hospitalization and death worldwide. In Lucca there are approximately 300 deaths per year caused by diseases of the circulatory system and 80% of these present a load of uncontrolled risk factors. The thirty-day mortality rate of myocardial infarction – which requires immediate coronary revascularization – at San Luca di Lucca in 2022 was 4.08% against the regional average of 7.85%, while in 2023 it was 4. 19% against the 7.17% of the regional average, recording the best result in Tuscany and among the best in Italy. Therefore, Lucca’s Cardiology is among the healthcare excellences, as confirmed by the latest reports from the Regional Health Agency which also estimate heart patients at 10% out of 100,000 inhabitants. In Lucca alone, around 450 people per year are hospitalized in the San Luca coronary unit suffering from acute myocardial infarction. In practice, there is one hospitalization every 18 hours for acute events and a third of cases require invasive treatment with immediate reopening of the coronary artery. which is almost always obstructed by a thrombotic occlusion.

“The positive feedback from our outcome data on mortality in acute myocardial infarction within thirty days makes all the health workers of Lucca Cardiology proud – underlines Francesco Bovenzi, director of Lucca Cardiology – because it made it possible to change the survival of many people referred to our care from the Piana and Valle area. I am honored by these wonderful advances in care in cardiovascular emergencies that so many admire. The strength of these numbers at San Luca is the result of a lot of work, of our organizational and scientific choices underlying complex diagnosis and treatment paths that we have been planning and optimizing for years. We are proud to have brought smiles back to our patients and their families by saving well over three hundred lives in the last 5 years.”

Full data will be released later CardioLucca 2024Heart on air” to be held from November 7th to 9th in the auditorium of San Francesco, when the city will once again be the protagonist of an interesting journey into the world of heart science in three intense days of work of the eighteenth edition of the traditional Lucca cardiology meeting, organized by professor Bovenzi, who is president of the event.

“The fluid progress of cardiovascular science experienced in the last twenty years in our reality – he states Spartacus Mencaroni, director of the San Luca hospital unit – is demonstrated by the approximately 40,000 interventional procedures successfully performed on the heart and vessels, many of these in emergencies. If left untreated, a heart attack is burdened by high mortality with numbers that invite us to reflect on a vital sector of hospital care that we have divided into integrated, rapid hospital-territory network pathways, without barriers and aligned with the most modern recommendations” .

Important numbers, which promote Lucca’s cardiology with flying colors and which also generate compliments from mayor Mario Pardini. “I would like to congratulate and thank the director of Cardiology of the San Luca Hospital Francesco Maria Bovenzi and all the staff for the great results obtained – he explains – which place the department at the top of national excellence. The data speak clearly and the incidence percentages of the diseases cardiovascular diseases on the population confirm the great importance and value of the work of the medical staff of the Lucca Hospital in terms of protecting public health”.

“The annual appointment with Cardiolucca – highlights the general director of the USL Tuscany North West company Maria Letizia Casani – it is a source of pride for our local health authority because it represents confirmation of the great work that is carried out daily in the cardiology field, in Lucca and in the entire company territory, in a network organization that allows us to adequately respond to needs of citizenship. This meeting, now in its 18th edition, attracts professionals from all over Italy and beyond every time. It is essential that, during these training events, the themes related to modern Cardiology and healthcare pathways, knowledge, technologies and innovations in the cardiovascular field are explored in depth. I therefore thank Bovenzi and his entire team for organizing the conference and for their daily commitment to the community, which is supported by significant activity data and constant improvement in quality, equity of access to care, clinical research and training. I am pleased that nurses are also involved in the event for constant discussion with doctors on healthcare issues.”

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