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San José del Rincón said Enough and mobilized against child abuse after three resounding cases

Aire de Santa Fe’s mobile in Rincón’s mobilization against child abuse

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Read more ► They detained two coaches from Rincón denounced for sexual abuse

On July 13, a young woman from Rincón recounted in Air of Santa Fe that his uncle, who was school carrier, he sexually abused her for eleven years from 1998 to 2009. The case was called M. The man has already been charged and was placed in preventive detention. After hearing this story, another 22-year-old girl from the city decided to report three people who, from 2010 to 2014, committed abuses against her: a sports coach, his partner and his sister-in-law. Before reporting the man and the two women, the victim decided to meet with the young woman from the Case M to tell her her story, and also to advise and accompany her in the process of reporting and making the situation public.

March Yellow Scarves Rincón

People mobilized with yellow posters, T-shirts and bracelets.

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After the first complaint against the coach and the other two women, there were more victims who reported similar situations committed by the same people. On Thursday night the arrest of the man identified as W. S. R. and your partner, S. A.- who will be charged by the prosecutor Matías Broggi. Sources of the case advanced to Air that the accusation can be finalized on Saturday, although the hearing date has not yet been confirmed.

Read more ► Case M: the harsh story of a young woman who denounces that her uncle raped her for eight years

Rincón spoke out against child abuse

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This Friday the mobilization was called by the relatives of three victims of this case, but with the support of two other victims in the city who formed an organization called Yellow Scarves. It is about the young woman in Case M and the daughter of the man who abused several of the women in his family. It was this young woman who indicated that the three cases that mobilized Rincón were committed by people from the town who were in contact with many children. “We form the organization so that the victims can have someone to talk to and accompany them, even if they don’t even want to report it,” she and M said. Digital Air.

Yellow scarves march in Rincon

The march this Friday in Rincón was massive, people circulated from the square, passed by the coach's house and came to the road.

The march this Friday in Rincón was massive, people circulated from the square, passed by the coach’s house and came to the road.

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Case M

In September 2020, a young woman from San Jose del Rincon denounced his uncle in law – his aunt’s husband – for sexual abuse That were committed from the age of six to the age of 16, according to the testimony he gave in court. On Thursday July 8, Jorge Ulises Pereyra He was accused of sexual abuse with carnal access qualified by the guard and in an ideal contest for corruption of minors and a day later he was in preventive prison at the request of prosecutor Roberto Olcese.

In an interview with “Now I Come” in Aire de Santa Fe, the victim, who asked to be identified with the abbreviation M and is now 29 years old, recounted the hell he went through between the ages of six and 16, and the difficulties he had to denounce what had happened – due to the threats and pressure from his uncle – until December of last year, when he was able to make the complaint at the Women’s Police Station.

Case M: the harsh story of a young woman who denounces that her uncle raped her for eight years

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Conviction for abusing several women in his family

In 2019, a family from Rincón denounced a man in their family group for sexually abusing several members from 1984 to 2015. In June of this year, he was sentenced to 16 years in prison for the crimes of sexual abuse and gender violence against his ex-partner. , stepdaughters, sons, daughters, sons and granddaughters. One of his daughters is the one who formed the Yellow Scarves group that called for the mobilization this Friday.

Rincón spoke out against child abuse

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The arrest of the Rincón coach

The first victim who denounced the Rincón sports coach, did so on Monday, July 19 and said that it was after hearing M’s testimony in Air of Santa Fe. She told the officers about the abuses to which she was subjected by WSR, with the complicity of SA and the other woman who had not yet been arrested, who were also participating in the training sessions.

According to the complainant, the events were perpetrated for four years, when she was between 11 and 15 years old and attended the triathlon practices carried on by the accused man; These abuses date from 2010 to 2014.

The complainant stated that the training sessions were carried out during summer mornings on the beach of Rincón in a little swimming school that depended on the Sports Area of ​​the Municipality of Rincón. The young woman maintained that when they got together to go out for a run or ride a bicycle, they would get together at the home of one of the defendants, opportunity in which the abuses materialized.

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