ask the residentswhat do you thinkI heard youmanufacturing is prohibitedand sale of these weapons and theirparts.these weapons are evendangerous because it does not haveclosing number.>> kids get intointernet and search.maía: the parts of theseweapons can be found you think this will stop?>> sometimes one is young and nottake into account theconsequences that one canhave.>> the mayor of san joéreferred to the problemrepresent these weapons.>> first of all they areconstructed of plastic andthat can avoid detectionfor example at airports,it is also impossible fortrace these weapons why notThey have a serial number.>> a quarter of himweapons confiscated by thepolice are ghost. has beena 72% increase innumber of ghost gunsrecovered. the ordinancewill have a second reading theMay 17 and go into effectafter June i tried to talkwith several of the councilorswho spoke in favor of thismeasure.councilor’s spokesmanperales told me that the councilor