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San Carlo Theater, the fireworks stop the Tosca in Piazza del Plebiscito

Public applause for the show business workers who went on stage in Piazza del Plebiscito, where the Tosca by Puccini. Some of the workers, gathered in the Campania Art and Entertainment Coordination, read a message. “We received 600 euros – said one of them – the equivalent of two front row tickets for the show tonight”. “Events like these – he added – strengthen the social distancing between classes, the distance between institutions and those who have faced hunger because of the lokcdown. The institutions are indifferent Romanesque. ” “To make the show are people who have families, mortgages and bills to pay – he concluded – we ask for a decent salary until the full recovery of employment and everyone’s work, even at shorter hours, but everyone”. Previously, show business workers had held a flashmob in Piazza del Plebiscito, waiting for Tosca, with a banner outside the fences: “False restart”, false because “thousands are at home”.

If everyone applauded the civil protest of the workers of the show, however, just before 9 pm the work was interrupted by fireworks exploded from the colonnade of Piazza del Plebiscito. The noise of the fires, which are not part of the representation, has dominated the voice of the opera singers and the instruments of the orchestra. An applause from the audience accompanied the end of the fireworks, which lasted a few minutes.

Last updated: 22:29 © RESERVED REPRODUCTION

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