resources.ónica: very good days.we have followed step by stepthe case of a largewere about to beevicted, finally acommunity agencyhelped to have a newhome and not stay in theStreet.we question the mayor ofthe city of san antonio dehow was it possible that aperson could stayhomeless even thoughthey were paying their rent andsuddenly they ran outwork.[habla en ingés]ónica: the mayorhe explained that trulySan Antonio has thebest assistance programemergency of the nacón,they found approximately$ 25,000,000 at half thepandemic, raised this fund to$ 87,000,000 and currentlythey will adhere to this fund$ 47,000,000 ace.has spread us globallythis assistance program andthey have already attendedsince I don’t even know the pandemic30,000 people.just calling 311you could receive thisway assistanceemergent. at 5:00 a.m.late we will let you knowhow you can applyto have a home inthe housing system