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Samuel Pirát Krištofič after FNC: Disappointment. The theme is Carlos Vémola

30.12.2021 19:00

In the ring, he wanted to tune in to the match of his life so far, the opposite happened. “It used to hurt me,” says Samuel “Pirate” Kristofic after the boxing challenge.

The temporary champion of the Octagon in medium weight was supposed to fight for a valid title against the Czech Patrik Kincl on Thursday. Due to coronavirus-related measures, the organization moved the tournament from Prague’s O2 Arena to the Bobycentrum in Brno and postponed the main match to February 26.

The more I train, the weaker I am

In order for Krištofič and Kincl to capitalize on their preparations, they boxed off at Monday’s Fight Night Challenge. The “pirate” was drawn by a 30-kilo heavier Czech veteran, Alexander Cvern. He was not satisfied with the performance.

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“I did not do what I wanted to do. I’m not feeling well. I train like a ko * ot and then I can’t hit a real front-back. I’m disappointed in myself. The boxing performance was such that … I don’t even know if I want to see it. It hurt me more than it helped. I don’t know what to do with me. I feel that the more I train, the weaker I am, “he said on Instagram immediately after the match.

More shows than a match. It didn’t go around boxing

After the tournament in an interview for ŠPORT.sk he was milder: “In the corner, I thought they would decide in my favor. A torn point (behind an unintentional header) tilted the verdict to a draw. We did more shows than a match, it didn’t go very well around boxing. I had something trained, but it didn’t work out at all. I couldn’t do a double or triple combination, I was still shaking my head.

I’m sorry for the boxing performance, but maybe we at least entertained people. From the beginning, I took it more than a show than some career growth. The opponent is weighing somewhere else, it was more of a challenge. I don’t choose opponents. That’s what sport and life are about, facing challenges and enjoying them. Sometimes it doesn’t work out, but at the end of the day we can be happy when it moves us forward. ”

The blows to the shelter had already thrown me away

While Krištofič struggles in medium (up to 84 kg) or even velterweight (up to 77 kg), Cverna often lost weight to heavy (up to 120 kg). “I felt the difference in weight, the blows to the shelter were already throwing me away. If he hit clean, he would be destructive.

I had respect and instead of an offensive I focused too much on defense and counterattacks. I may be judging too strictly now. The opponent was 30 kilos heavier, he is an experienced and good boxer, no ‘sharpener’, “said the winner of the Octagon Challenge.

Alexander Cverna Samuel Kristofic.

Zdroj: Fight Night Challenge

Live by the Bushido Code and improve

When Cverna pushed, the power superiority and experience of the ring manifested themselves and Krištofič ended up in ropes many times. When he escaped from the pressure of a Czech heavyweight at the end of the round, there was a squeak in the hall. He was not counted and, in his own words, he did not even get in trouble.

“I was not shaken or threatened and I don’t think I collected a clean punch at all. The work with your feet was not bad, there was no offensive. It’s already happened to me with Marcin Naruszczek on Octagon 26. I have to analyze it and embellish the attack to be more dangerous in the next matches. ”

Despite his self-criticism, he described the experience from the ring as good: “I will take the positive and the negative out of it and work on them. That’s what it’s about. Live by the Bushido Code, discover mistakes and improve. ”

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If there was a threat of octagon punishment, we wouldn’t bex

Many were surprised that Oktagon released Krištofič and Kincl before one of the main matches next year. “We have not had an injury clause since Octagon. If we were threatened with a sanction, we probably wouldn’t go.

It was a compromise. The octagon needed to move our match from December to February. We agreed and, on the other hand, they allowed us to box. The communication went correctly and friendly, “explained” Pirate “.

I will overcome Kincla thanks to a tougher stance

In the main match, Kincl lost unanimously for points with Krištofič’s coach Attil Végh. He did not lag behind the former Bellator champion and winner of the Match of the Century. However, according to Krištofič, the performance is not a tax coin before the February duel.

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“He stood four laps with Attila, although it was a bit over the nails. He didn’t give a bad performance, but boxing and MMA are something else. He won’t do many things from today’s cage match. It didn’t show me anything to build on. I do not underestimate Patrick’s attitude and I do not claim that he is zero. But I have it harder and thanks to that I can win. ”

According to Carlos, I am a motivation for everyone

Krištofič and Cverný gestured a lot in the ring. They also communicated with the audience. “Did it burn?” The Slovak asked after the first blow to the bottom. When he opened Cvern’s eyebrows with an unintentional head and wiped his blood, he took a break to debate with Carlos Vémol, the announcer of the evening, sitting at the ring.

“Alex and I are friends, and I was joking that he teased him to follow me. Carlos replied that I was the motivation for everyone. I am known on our soil, everyone wants to beat me and make a name for themselves. We both want to fight with Carlos. Unfortunately, his injury slowed him down. By the way, I commend him for moderating the action. Although Patrik and Attil were his rivals, he did it professionally. “

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