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Samuel Buček, the king of shooters and the productivity of the basic part, joined the icons of Slovak hockey

yesterday 22:03

HK Nitra striker Samuel Buček became the most productive player and the best scorer of the basic part of the hockey Tipos extra league.

He scored 64 Canadian points in 41 games for 41 goals and 23 assists. In the ranking of productivity, he had a 5-point lead over the second Brant Harris from Slovan Bratislava. He triumphed in the order of shooters with an abysmal 16-goal difference in front of another Slavicist William Rapuzzi.

Buček became only the fifth player in the history of the Slovak extra league, who scored 40 or more goals in the basic part. Before him, Ján Pardavý, Miroslav Šatan (both scored 42 goals, Vlastimil Plavuch (43) and Žigmund Pálffy, who set the record for the basic part with 52 goals in the 2008/2009 season).

Spišská Nová Ves goalkeeper Marcel Melicherčík achieved a 93.75-percent success rate in the basic part and triumphed among the league goalkeepers in this statistic. With an average of 2.21 goals collected per match, he was second behind Clint Windsor from Slovan Bratislava (2.18) and both together with Robin Rahm from Zvolen recorded 4 clean accounts.

Individual statistics of the Tipos extra league after the basic part 2021/2022:


1. Samuel Buček (Nitra) 64 points (41 goals + 23 assists)

2. Brant Harris 59 (21+38)

3. William Rapuzzi (both Slovan Bratislava) 56 (25 + 31)

4. Patrik Svitana (Poprad) 55 (16 + 39)

5. Andrew Yogan 52 (20+32)

6. Marcel Hascak (both Slovan Bratislava) 50 (23 + 27)

7. Tony Cameranesi (Michalovce) 46 (16 + 30)

8. Cole Ully (Zvolen / Poprad) 45 (18 + 27)

9. Michal Chovan (Kosice) 45 (14 + 31)

10. Robert Jackson (Nove Zamky) 44 (23 + 21)

Top shooters:

1. Buček 41 goals

2. Rapuzzi 25

3. Haščák and Jackson both after 23

5. Harris, Róbert Varga (Nitra) and Charles Berger (Banská Bystrica) all after 21

8. Yogan, Juraj Šiška (Nové Zámky) and James Arniel (Poprad) all after 20.

Most assists:

1. Svitana 39 assists

2. Harris 38

3. Matthew MacKenzie (Slovan Bratislava) and Denis Paršin (Košice) both after 34

5. Yogan 32

6. Rapuzzi, Chovan, Samuel Takáč (Slovan Bratislava), Marek Tvrdoň, Willie Raskob (both Nitra) all 31

+/- body:

1. Rapuzzi 31

2. MacKenzie 30

3. Yogan and Buček both after 26

5. Takáč and Haščák both after 22

7. Harris, Daniel Gachulinec (Slovan Bratislava) and Jozef Baláž (Nitra) all after 21

Penalty minutes:

1. Arvin Atwal 159 tr. minutes

2. Matt Petgrave (both Spišská N. Ves) 145

3. Stefan Fournier (Michalovce) 118

4. Martin Nemcik 113

5. Pierre Crinon (both Trenčín) 99

6. Branislav Rapáč (Spišská N. Ves) 98

7. David Růžička (Prešov) 91

8. Patrik Maier (Slovan Bratislava) 88

9. Samuel Petráš (L. Mikuláš / Poprad) 81

10. Matej Bača (Prešov / Michalovce / Banská Bystrica) 80

Goalkeeper strike success:

1. Marcel Melicherčík (Spišská N. Ves) 93.75 percent

2. Clint Windsor (Slovan Bratislava) 92.62

3. Evan Weninger (Banská Bystrica) 92.46

4. Matt O´Connor (Nitra) 92,29

5. Nikita Bespalov (Presov) 92.11

6. Andrej Košarišťan (Košice) 91.84

7. Robin Rahm (Zvolen) 91.81

8. Daniel Bakala (Nové Zámky) 91.68

9. Michal Valent (Trenčín) 91.50

10. David Honzík (Nitra) 91.41

Average goals scored per match:

1. Windsor 2,18

2. Melicherčík 2.21

3. Weninger 2,30

4. O´Connor 2,48

5. Valent 2,50

6. Devin Williams (Michalovce) 2.58

7. Basket 2.64

8. Honzík 2.71

9. Rahm 2,76

10. Tomas Vosvrda (L. Mikulas / Michalovce) 2.94

Winning matches:

1. Rahm 22

2. Melicherčík 19

3. Honzík 18

4. Bespalov 16

5. Windsor 15

6. Valent 13

7. Košarišťan, Williams and O´Connor all after 12

10. Bakala, Vošvrda and Weninger all after 11a

Net accounts:

1. Rahm, Windsor and Melicherčík after 4

2. Vošvrda 3

3. Honzík, Weninger, Valent, Košarišťan and Bespalov all after 2

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