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Samsung’s Postponement of Mixed Reality Glasses: Blaming Apple’s Vision Pro Headset

Samsung had to postpone the planned introduction of glasses for mixed reality
Apple’s competing Vision Pro headset is said to be to blame
According to information, the performance has been delayed by 3 to 6 months

With the introduction of Vision Pro mixed reality glasses, Apple wants to change the rules of the game in the field of virtual and augmented reality. With its official unveiling, it caused quite a stir, whether it was the high-end technical specifications, the chiseled design or the really high price. However, the company from Cupertino is not the only one that has ventured into mixed reality and wants to significantly succeed in this field. Competition for Vision Pro is already emerging in the southern part of the Korean peninsula.

Apple Vision Pro is to blame for the postponement of Samsung’s headset

It is Samsung that has the ambitions to really sink Apple with its variant of the headset, but according to the latest information, there were difficulties on the way to the official presentation. According to SBS Biz, the date of the performance, which was originally set at the beginning of 2024, has been moved in Seoul, specifically to February. However, due to the unveiling of the Vision Pro, Samsung has reportedly decided to postpone the presentation by 3 to 6 months, with a likely change in specifications or design to blame. In short, Apple has set the bar quite high, and Samsung definitely does not want to come to the market with a significantly worse product.

Unfortunately, we do not know what exactly Samsung will change on its glasses for mixed reality, but it may be both design modifications and a change in specifications. Apple Vision Pro will offer a pair of microOLED panels with a resolution exceeding 4K, surround sound, a whole constellation of sensors including LiDAR, infrared cameras and LED illuminators or a powerful Apple M2 chipset accompanied by an R1 chip. Samsung therefore has a really high starting bar, which it will at least want to match.

Don’t overlook

Vision Pro will be in short supply. Apple is said to be suffering from production problems

However, Apple has not exactly set low goals for its new product either. In the first month of availability of Vision Pro, the Cupertino company wanted to sell over a million devices, but due to production problems, they had to radically rethink their plans. According to information from suppliers, Apple will be able to produce less than 400,000 units in 2024. The Vision Pro should reportedly only be available in select stores, and you’ll first need to make an appointment to get it. Merely having sufficient funds will definitely not ensure you owning a headset.

Author of the article

Michael Chrobok

Mobile technology enthusiast, amateur photographer, casual athlete and urban cyclist. In his free time, he likes to travel, play a game, or immerse himself in the world of The Witcher or Star Trek.

2023-07-10 13:00:00
#Samsungs #Augmented #Reality #Delayed #Apple #Blame

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