Home » today » Technology » Samsung’s mobile camera app may soon have a pro mode for telephoto lenses

Samsung’s mobile camera app may soon have a pro mode for telephoto lenses

The latest rumors suggest that Samsung is preparing a pro mode for the telephoto lenses of its devices. This mode would be designed to make the most of the zoom and make the most of its capabilities.

Samsung mobiles could be considered representatives of mobile photography. The South Korean firm has for some time become one of the best options for choosing a team with a more than creditworthy camera.. And, while you might think that this only applies to the high end, there are also smaller teams with good cameras.

They even allowed themselves the power to experiment when developing devices.. From this experimentation were born his slightly crazy proposals, such as zooming up to a hundred increases or the possibility of recording at resolutions greater than 4K.

Its flagship device at the moment is the Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra and it has a wide range of lenses to allow it to best cover different situations. Of course, the Samsung camera app is also responsible for the good results, both for its processing and for its ease of use..

But this is not a perfect app, because there is a way that some more advanced users miss. This mode is designed for professional users and while there is already one for the camera in general, when switching between lenses and selecting the one dedicated to zoom, we find that it does not. of appearance.

This would end as soon as possible, as a statement in a Samsung forum from a person believed to be in charge of the photography section revealed that she was already working there.. They also commented that this pro version for telephoto lenses takes some development work, so be patient.

Samsung has not commented on this, although if they are working in pro mode for these lenses, chances are they have been working on it for several months.

For now, the only thing we can do is wait for Samsung’s official announcement. It will be interesting to see what this pro mode will look like and if it will arrive via a system update or just from the camera app.

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