Home » today » Business » Samsung Electronics Multipurpose 5S Refrigerator Returns After 40 Years

Samsung Electronics Multipurpose 5S Refrigerator Returns After 40 Years

[비즈니스포스트] The story of how a Samsung Electronics multipurpose refrigerator that had been in the same family for nearly 40 years was returned to Samsung Electronics has been revealed.

According to the Samsung Electronics Newsroom on the 24th, Sook-hee Lee recently donated the ‘Samsung Multipurpose 5S Refrigerator’ manufactured in 1985, which she had been using with her family, to the Samsung Innovation Museum, a museum of Samsung Electronics’ electronic industry history.

▲ ‘Multi-purpose 5S refrigerator’ donated to Samsung Innovation Museum. <삼성전자>

This refrigerator has a similar design to the ‘Samsung Electronics Bespoke Refrigerator’ and has been used by Lee’s parents since 1986.

Mr. Lee said, “When my parents started their honeymoon in a 3-pyeong single room, the only two things they bought were a refrigerator and a wardrobe. I literally thought that it was the most necessary thing to ‘make a living,’ so I made a big decision to buy a refrigerator even though my circumstances were tight. “It looks like you made a purchase,” he said.

Although this refrigerator has been used for nearly 40 years, it still maintains its function.

In 40 years, if you open and close the refrigerator door three times a day, that number of times will exceed 40,000 times. Samsung Electronics’ refrigerator was able to stay with the Lee family for a long time thanks to its durability.

Mr. Lee said, “I wanted to donate this refrigerator to a place that would recognize its value as it is an item that has been with me for three generations,” and “I received a call from a movie production company that wanted to purchase it as a filming prop, and through donation, I was able to create memories with my family.” “I thought it would be more meaningful to keep it,” he explained.

Upon hearing the news that a refrigerator manufactured in 1985 had been donated, Seo Kook-jeong, a technology consultant at Samsung Electronics who joined Samsung Electronics in 1991 and has been in charge of refrigerator technology development, expressed his thoughts.

▲ A newspaper advertisement introducing Samsung Electronics’ ‘Multipurpose 5S Refrigerator’ in the 1980s. <삼성전자>

Seo Kook-jeong, a technology consultant, said, “I remember seeing an advertisement for this refrigerator when I was in college, majoring in mechanical engineering and interested in home appliances.” He added, “It was a small opportunity for me to join Samsung Electronics when I heard that this refrigerator was being donated. “It was a new feeling,” he said.

He continued, “Comparing the refrigerators of the past and present, I am proud to see how much our products have improved,” and added, “We will continue to strive to develop refrigerators that are environmentally friendly while maintaining the freshness of food ingredients.” Reporter Baram Kim

2023-12-24 08:00:28
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