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Samsung Confirms Release of Ninth Generation 3D NAND Memory with Over 300 Layers in 2024

Samsung confirms that it will introduce its ninth generation of 3D NAND memory next year. These memory chips would consist of more than 300 layers. DigiTimes previously reported that the company would release that memory in 2024, but Samsung has now officially confirmed this.

Jung-Bae Lee, the head of Samsung’s memory division, confirms the arrival of the ninth generation 3D V-Nand in 2024. Mass production of that memory should start ‘early next year’. The CEO speaks of ‘the highest number of layers in the industry’ with one double-stackstructure, although he does not mention a specific number of layers. In general, more layers equal higher capacity per memory chip. This makes it possible to produce SSDs with larger storage capacities. Also, production costs per terabyte normally decrease as the number of layers increases.

However, there were already reports going around in August about Samsung’s upcoming memory chips. DigiTimes reported that the ninth generation 3D V-Nand consists of “more than 300 layers.” That news medium already said that the chips will go into mass production next year, which has now been confirmed. DigiTimes also mentioned the use of double stacking at the time. First, a stack of 3D Nand is produced on a 300mm wafer. Then another stack is produced on top of that. This should ensure better yields, although production also takes longer.

SK Hynix previously presented its first NAND memory with 321 layers. That manufacturer will produce three stacks of nand on top of each other to reach that number of layers. The South Korean chipmaker will start mass production of its 321-layer 3D Nand in 2025, AnandTech previously wrote.

2023-10-18 18:55:19
#Samsung #confirms #ninth #generation #NAND #memory

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