Mustam fromgen to VO – Exam
Tchorusand the followingDo statements end?
Wis durch Arglist to a Vyield decreasefinal usedeight usd, can dand Vdissolve income and
Damage compensationtz because non-fulfillment verlangen. -> wrong
A Vverbscher can do a Kredit also gagainst the will of the bank vbarleyvain and
subsidized interest ratest backahlen. -> correct
Wis a Vincome from abroadtrain onkann it may be necessary for an österr. Court the
Vyield and its Rechtsfollowen to foreign Rassess real standardst. -> correct
Tchorusand the followingend 5 statements about perpersonal kredit backup too?
An accession to securitypurposeen is in the downstairsdied e.gur guarantee forally effective.
-> falsch
Hours the Kreditgebhe transfers the debt to the main debtoreits fällige returnpayment, must
also the guarantore before the end of the periodgsznot yetdoesn’t worken. -> Akzessoriet
-> correct
The Bürgschaft kommt rregular majorch one between dem creditor and the bureaugen
closed Vertrag consignmentSpirit.
-> correct
If the debtor becomes insolventent, the office must alsoge to the believerhe just the bankruptcyquote
-> falsch
Devicet the debtor in Veducation, Eqeternally still erfinnocent reminder from the debtors
even the office alonegene yardsuccessfully on Zsue for payment.
-> correct
A and B are playing on a meadow next to Afamilyenhaus from G football. A aims at the von B
guardedthe Torshoott but clearly wrong and hits a houseflastisthe Zu Breakage is possible.
Treffand the folrelevant statements
A is liable since he is a foreign thing culpably damaged hat.
-> correct (Damage, Vowe, Kbe honestt, Runtrueeit)
B is liablet as Mittissince A without B on the meadow gar not football gwould have playede.
-> falsch
B is liablet everyall when he has the Tor so inconvenientgestold that slices of the
house hevisibly geferryit wasin.
-> correct (particulara giftcreatedin)
It’s a haftetcht, if he hest 15 years old and therefore noI am a minor.
-> falsch
A is not liableeinesfat all, wenn er erst 12 yeare is old. –
> fall
“Thaty“ bzw. kurzis fall
Explain was „Vorpurchasegood luckt” means and welche righte a Vorpurchase departmentreal e.gstand,
if the Vmandatoryetand the stairsffend of movable property without Kend of the Berreallyten one
Third verbuys andnd handed over hat.
(Definition, with § hinterlegen, Rreally in one already with a thirden beforeeitentand Vyield
onceown, Haftung on fulfillment interthis stthat 7500€ um 7000€ bekommen -> 500€
damagingstatutory fthe order; Giventaltungsrreally exercise with encorresponding explanation)
2023-12-05 18:26:12
#Sample #questions #wrong #consumer #loan #bank #Studocu