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Sampdoria, the South continues to fill up: the data of mini-season tickets

New update on the mini-season tickets of the South Gradinata for sale by Sampdoria: close to 5000 cards …

The cards sold for the Gradinata Sud Today I am 4650. More than half of the sector that has always hosted the hottest groups of the Sampdoria supporters. A good result, in continuous growth, with the company of Corte Lambruschini which hopes that the entire sector can be sold in first Sampdoria-Romescheduled for next Sunday at 6 pm at the Luigi Ferraris stadium.

A fundamental match still for the salvation race of Marco Giampaolo’s boys who need the twelfth man, as demonstrated also in Venice.

Sampdoria, the mini-season tickets are worth half a million euros

Sampdoria, the South continues to fill up: the data of mini-season tickets

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Fill the Gradinata Sud it also means giving an economic hand to Sampdoria today, the one that is not doing very well from a financial point of view. Nine thousand seats, 50 euros the cost of the season ticket for a total collection of just under half a million euros. Not a huge amount but enough to carry out the ordinary administration of the Sampdoria club.

The goal is to finish the season in A leaguewith the accounts in order as much as possible and be able to restart next season with a new owner capable of being able to plan more long-term.

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