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Same day delivery with gaps

Reference is made to the new offer on the home page of the mail-order pharmacy: All you have to do is enter your postcode and then you can have your order delivered that evening. “With Shop Apotheke Now! you receive many products particularly quickly. Depending on the day and time of your order, delivery will take place on the same or the next evening between 6pm and 10pm ”, so the promise. By entering the postcode you can test whether you live in the delivery area. Shop Apotheke advertises that this should apply to 13 cities and metropolitan regions: Berlin, Hamburg, Munich, Frankfurt, Hanover, Bremen, Stuttgart, Leipzig, Dresden, Nuremberg, Augsburg, the Rhineland and the Ruhr area.

However: the promise is not kept. Same-day delivery does not yet work, especially in northern Germany. If you want to be delivered on the same day in Hamburg, Bremen or Hanover, Shop Apotheke says: “Unfortunately, your postcode is not yet in the delivery area.” It does not matter whether you enter postcodes in the inner cities or the outskirts. But there are still gaps in daily delivery at the other end of the country: in Munich, for example, most postcodes can be delivered – but some not. And that although Manfred Weyerer’s West Pharmacy in Fürstenfeldbruck not only covers Munich, but also Augsburg, Nuremberg and even Stuttgart.

While the Rhineland and the Ruhr area are supplied directly from Venlo, Weyerer’s West-Apotheke and the Preussen-Apotheke in Berlin Spandau (formerly Spielberger Apotheke) by Martin Stahn were the first two pharmacies to supply the sender as partners. In the meantime, at least two pharmacies have been added: The pharmacy in the Dresden Klotzsche health center owned by Sven Ullrich supplies postal codes in Dresden and Leipzig. Frankfurt is supplied from the Receptura pharmacy there near the Riedberg campus of the Goethe University in the north of the banking city. The pharmacy is a family business: the owner is the Cornelius-Apothekenbetriebs-OHG, which consists of Alexander, Peter, Waltraud and Carolin Cornelius. She also owns the Struwwelpeter pharmacy in downtown Frankfurt. None of the owners was available for inquiries on Wednesday.

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