Jakarta –
vice President Maruf Amin said that the decision or death sentence against Ferdy Sambo was the right of the court. According to Ma’ruf, the government must not intervene in any form.
“I think that is the matter with the Sambo decision, that is indeed the court’s right. The government cannot intervene. So it is the full right of the court,” said Ma’ruf in a press statement in Central Tapanuli, North Sumatra, as shown in a video footage witnessed in Jakarta, as shown launched BetweenWednesday (15/2/2023).
Ma’ruf said he had observed the public’s reaction to the death sentence against Ferdy Sambo. According to Ma’rufthe community considers the judge’s decision against Ferdy Sambo to be fair.
“Only if I see from the reaction of the community, the community actually considers it fairer, not (by) the government, yes, the government must be impartial, abstain, yes, it will not give any judgment,” explained Ma’ruf.
He considered that the positive response from the community for the decision could be interpreted that the judge’s decision or verdict was in accordance with the aspirations of the community.
Previously, the defendant in the premeditated murder case, Brigadier N Yosua Hutabarat (Brigadir J), Ferdy Sambo, was sentenced to death by a panel of judges at the South Jakarta District Court.
“Sentenced the defendant with death penalty,” said chief judge Wahyu Iman Santoso in a trial at the South Jakarta District Court (PN Jaksel), Jakarta, Monday (13/2).
The judge stated Freddy Sambo proven legally and convincingly guilty of violating Article 340 subsidiary Article 338 juncto Article 55 paragraph (1) 1st of the Criminal Code.
In addition, the judge considered that Ferdy Sambo was proven to have violated Article 49 in conjunction with Article 33 of Law Number 19/2016 concerning Amendments to Law Number 11/2008 concerning ITE juncto Article 55 paragraph (1) 1st Criminal Code.
Watch the video ‘Ferdy Sambo used to ask the public not to assume that he is now sentenced to death’: