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Samantha Ware details everything she suffered from Lea Michele on the set of “Glee”

Actress Samantha Ware – AdMedia / Starface

Samantha Ware has decided to detail the abuses she has suffered Lea Michele. And in terms of filth and harassment, the interpreter of Rachel Berry in Glee seems to have shown creativity and endurance.

“When you’re filming a scene, sometimes the camera is on you and sometimes not, but you still have to be in the scene. The camera was not on us, so it’s not like we should be into our game, but apparently I was fooling around when the camera wasn’t on me, and she took it as being disrespectful to her. She waited until the footage was over, got in the middle of the stage and made a “Come here” gesture, the same way a mother calls her children … I said “No”, and c Then she decided to threaten to make me lose my job, and said she would call Ryan Murphy to fire me. It’s scary. All week long, I thought I was probably going to receive an email and might not be able to finish the last three episodes, or that I might not be able to sing another song, “said said Samantha Ware.

A system to change

According to Samantha Ware, she was not the first victim of Lea Michele’s behavior on the Ryan Murphy series. “The first time I spoke out against it, no one did anything. They just shrugged and said “She’s like that”. Nobody was ending these things, which is a problem, because the environment was helping to perpetuate this abuse, “added the actress.

The one who played the role of Jan Hayward also tried to speak to Lea Michele to calm things down. “She told me to close it. She said I didn’t deserve this job. She explained that she reigned here. And the thing is, I completely understood that, and I was ready to say, “This is your show. I’m not here to disrespect you.” But by that time, we had already passed the stage of disrespect and she was abusing power, “added Samantha Ware.

Since first tweet of Samantha Ware and the accusations of others
actors against him that followed, Lea Michele
publicly apologized for his “behavior”. “All that confirmed her apologies was that she learned nothing. Is Lea racist? No. Does Lea have racist tendencies? I think Lea has a symptom of living in an industry that is suited to whites, “said Samantha Ware.

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