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Salzburg honors courageous lifesavers

You have rendered special services to the common good in and for Salzburg. 33 personalities were honored on Tuesday evening for their dedication, commitment and courage by Governor Wilfried Haslauer (ÖVP) in the Salzburg Residence. These include distinguished personalities from public service, science, agriculture, sports, culture and courageous lifesavers.

“The honorees stand out with their extraordinary commitment, their performance and their courage. I am firmly convinced that it is precisely these personalities, whom I am able to bring to the front of the curtain today and thank them, who make Salzburg what it is, make it a better place, shape us and are important role models. We can all learn from them,” emphasized Haslauer.

Five lifeguards from Pinzgau

Haslauer honored five Pinzgauers with the Life Saver Medal of Austria. Dominik Ecker, Josef Neureiter and Joachim Mitterer from Saalbach-Hinterglemm as well as Markus Mayr and Daniela Schwabl from Zell am See received the award. In May 2021, you saved a woman from the torrential Saalach river in a car accident. “When we got to the scene of the accident, we didn’t know if there were other people in the car. The accident victim was unconscious, we tried to keep her head above water. We were only able to save the woman through a joint effort by everyone involved. That was real teamwork,” says Mitterer.

Even the policeman became a lifesaver

The police officer Patrick Eder was honored by the state governor Haslauer with the lifesaver merit symbol of the state. In May 2022 he rescued a person from the Salzach near the Marko-Feingold-Steg. But not only lifesavers were brought in front of the curtain that evening, but also other deserving personalities.

Long-time employees honored

Andreas Kiefer and Europe simply belong together. From 1996 to 2010, the lawyer from Kuchl headed the country’s European office. From March 2010 to the end of October 2022 he was Secretary General of the Congress of European Municipalities and Regions in Strasbourg. “I was not only a contemporary witness, but also a designer. For example, when EuRegio was set up in the federal state in 1995 and at the European health forum in Gastein in 1998. I am particularly proud that a commitment to Europe was included in the Salzburg state constitution in 1999. This is unique in Austria,” says the European networker.

Michael Bergmüller has been in office as state returning officer since 1995. The state election in April is his 30th, which he leads as a legal expert. The honor is something special for him. “I’m very happy about it,” emphasizes Bergmüller and adds. “My job is varied and multifaceted. Administrative law – one may not believe it – in itself is a living matter. It is constantly being adjusted and adapted. You have to be flexible and open to new things.”

The honored persons at a glance

26 men and seven women from all districts are honored with federal and state awards. All other awards at a glance:

Professional title “Senior Medical Councilor”

Professional titles “Medical Counselor” and “Medical Counselor”

  • Andrea Bitschnau-Friedl, Salzburg
  • Astrid Keidel-Liepold, Fruity
  • Johann Jäger, Taxenbach
  • Gregor Thorwartl, Salzburg

Professional title Professor

  • Thomas Schallaböck, Salzburg
  • Norbert Winding, Salzburg

Gold medal for services to the Republic of Austria

  • Jakob Karl, Koppl
  • Robert Költringer-Noppinger, Göming
  • Alois Schorn, Strobl

Country Medal of Honour

  • Hofrat Andreas Kiefer, Kuchl

Great Merit Mark of the Country

  • Hofrat Michael Bergmüller, Bergheim
  • Bartl Gensbichler, Saalbach-Hinterglemm
  • Klaus Leistner, Innsbruck
  • Walter Praschberger, Hallein
  • Johann Radauer, Eugendorf

Country Medal of Merit

  • Helga Besl, Golling
  • Franz Gschaider, Anthering
  • Aloisa Gurtner, Salzburg
  • Christa Hassfurther, Oberalm
  • Rupert Kreuzer, Flachau
  • Markus Pichler, Vienna
  • Jakob Pirchner, Rauris
  • Philipp Santner, Tamsweg
  • Andrea Schindler-Perner, Tamsweg
  • Adolf Schwaiger, St. Johann im Pongau
  • Robert Wimmer, Tamsweg

Gold Medal on Red Ribbon for Services to the Republic of Austria (Lifesaver Medal)

  • Dominik Ecker, Saalbach Hinterglemm
  • Markus Mayr, Zell am See
  • Joachim Mitterer, Saalbach Hinterglemm
  • Josef Neureiter, Saalbach Hinterglemm
  • Daniela Schwabl, Zell am See

Lifesaving Merit Sign of the State of Salzburg

  • Patrick Eder, St. Johann im Pongau

(Source: SALZBURG24)

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