ROME — 9.54 am, among the government benches of the Chamber. While a deputy from Italia Viva speaks, Matteo Salvini reappears. Finally. For more than twenty-four hours, the deputy prime minister had been a ghost for Giorgia Meloni. She is forced to defend herself (and defend him) from the accusation of pro-Putinism, he is absent in Parliament and in the media. Now it shows itself, in favor of photographers. A slightly warm and slightly embarrassed greeting between the two leaders, a hint of a hug. From the desks someone shouts: «Kiss, kiss!». The day promises an interesting turn, who knows what can happen. And instead: at 10.06 Salvini gets up, says hello, and leaves. Twelve minutes in total. The empty chair, again. Meloni to defend herself (and defend him) alone, again. The sidereal distance in foreign policy there, certified, once again. And the tensions that risk exploding at every turn: in the same hours, the League demands and obtains to blow up the urgent procedure for the cybersecurity reform dear to Alfredo Mantovano. «We must first finish the autonomy in the commission!», makes it clear the leader of the Northern League Riccardo Molinari.
For the second consecutive day, Salvini’s words on the Russian vote force Meloni to jump through hoops. The prime minister can only continue to shift the focus of the problem. It is the Democratic Party, he attacks, that appears “ambiguous” about its support for the Ukrainian cause. “Explain to us what to do and then there are those who abstain from sending the weapons.” And again: «They tell me to talk to Orbán and Salvini to clarify support for Kiev, but in both cases the government’s decisions and votes count.”
Ukraine, Meloni in the Chamber: “Salvini? Decisions and votes count”
The statements of a deputy prime minister would also have weight, to tell the truth: «You lie knowing you are lying – the dem urges you Peppe Provenzano –. You can fool everyone some of the time, or some people all the time, but you can’t fool everyone all the time.” Meloni seems tired, a little subdued. But she does not lose the desire to provoke the minority. As she speaks, she hears some muttering in the chamber. «Guys, I always see you a little nervous…». It’s the spark, the protest spreads. The President of the Chamber Lorenzo Fontana he reminds her, “this is not a debate”. The prime minister insists, “you don’t particularly like me…”, she pressed, “but we Romans sometimes say “boys”… I apologize, however”. Other criticisms, and Meloni: «Okay, I also apologize to the Romans. Can I say “guys” to the government? No. What do you prefer, “young parliamentarians”?”. New screams, then she moves on.
Meloni attacks the Democrats in the Chamber: “Guys, I see you nervous”
The air becomes even more crisp as they speak Giuseppe Conte ed Elly Schlein. The first of her calls her “comedian” and describes her with “the helmet on her head”. The secretary of the Democratic Party rejects the attacks received on Ukraine, “fake news”. She then attacks in a burning way, reading Meloni’s compliments to Putin for the 2018 re-election. «These are the same words heard a few days ago by Salvini. On Sunday you did not renew your congratulations, it took you some time to understand that Putin is not a proud democrat and, for this, we thank you. After all, what remains of Meloni from the past is little. She is not coherent.” The prime minister gets nervous and asks the undersecretary Andrea Delmastro to deliver a message to Giovanni Donzelli. It’s not difficult to guess which one, given that shortly afterwards Donzelli himself will say: “Mattarella also sent his best wishes.”
Crippa knows this very well
by Michele Serra

The conflict then moves onto slippery terrain, that of the pact just signed with the Egyptian regime, despite the absence of truth and justice for Giulio Regeni. «When he goes to Egypt – says Schlein – ask Sisi for the addresses of the four murderers». «There is a difference between Abdel Fattah al-Sisi e Vladimir Putin» replies the prime minister. As for the Middle East, which will be a central issue in the European Council which opens today, the Prime Minister reiterates the Italian government’s opposition “to a ground operation in Rafah, which could have catastrophic effects”. And, responding to the leader of the Italian Left Nicola Fratoianni, opposes the “immediate restoration of funds to UNRWA until full light has been shed on the use of the resources”. Today, as mentioned, Meloni will be in Brussels. Then, next Wednesday, he goes on a mission to Lebanon. In Rome, meanwhile, the League is planning new trips.
#Salvinis #twelve #minutes #Chamber #Meloni #brawl #Putins #friends
– 2024-04-04 18:13:57