Roma — The announcement of the leader of the League Matteo Salvini of a package of rules to remedy abuses within the homes of Italians has stiffened, and not a little, the prime minister Giorgia Meloni and his party. «Announcing amnesties and amnesties during the election campaign without first talking about it with allies is not correct», whispers a leading FdI representative. But the topic is too popular in the country of squatters: to date there are still 4.2 million amnesty applications pending. We are talking about an “electoral” basin worth millions and millions of votes.
Ricci “Irresponsible propaganda. The problems of cities are different”
by Rosaria Amato

A basin that the right has always caressed, and with the Brothers of Italy often at the forefront: as in Lazio or Sicily where, on the proposal of the Melonians, rules are being discussed which would also sanction completely illegal houses and on the coast, rather than small abuses. So the line of Palazzo Chigi is that of opening to the “confrontation” with Salvini on this issue: «As it is inevitable, in the absence of a text on which to discuss, the voices of the no party were immediately raised fearing an amnesty – says the Fdi group leader in the Chamber Tommaso Foti – if Salvini’s idea is to remedy slight building differences and eliminate some surplus bureaucracy, we are ready to discuss it profitably. But first you need to know the text.” The other wing of government, Forza Italia, is also on the same wavelength, even if the secretary Antonio Tajani warns: “Never an amnesty.” «An FI proposal on urban regeneration has already been introduced in the Senate, which already includes the things Salvini talked about – says Tajani – no one has seen the text and I am not able to give an opinion, in any case if it goes in the direction of Forza Italia’s proposal is good, it can be implemented.”
Tolerance up to 8% to save partitions and mezzanines. Even in seismic areas
by Rosaria Amato, Giuseppe Colombo

The stick and the carrot: the stick on Salvini’s forward flight, the carrot towards those with building violations or amnesties in progress. Because the centre-right has always caressed this basin: just think of the amnesties of the Berlusconi governments in 1994 and 2003. But especially recently the Lega-FdI axis has done so.
According to the latest study by the Sogeea center in Italy, between 1985 and 2004, over 15 million amnesty applications were submitted and approximately 4.2 million are still pending. Municipalities can thus still collect 19 billion. In Lazio alone there were 1.6 million applications. And in Lazio FdI first presented an amnesty proposal also in the restricted areas. The initiative is from the regional councilor Laura Corrotti and aims to remove the limits on amnesties placed in 2004 by the right-wing junta of Francesco Storace. The then governor, when he passed the law with which to implement the amnesty ordered the year before at a national level, decided that properties in restricted areas would not be regularized even if the restriction had been placed after the amnesty law. A brake that the FdI representative intends to remove and the discussion in the regional planning commission will begin next Monday. The law should make it possible to remedy around 63 thousand abuses in Lazio, causing the Municipalities to collect around 3.6 billion euros. «Mine – says councilor Corrotti – is an attempt to remedy a glaring injustice». “We will work together to allow the definitive approval and entry into force of the modification quickly”, echoed the regional councilor for urban planning Pasquale Ciacciarelli, of the League. But again in Lazio, a bill was also presented by regional councilors Laura Cartaginese, of the League, Micol Grasselli, of Fratelli d’Italia, and Nazzareno Neri, of Noi moderato, to transform cellars and garages into homes and shops.
A bit like what has already been done in the Veneto governed by the League with the amnesty on attics, in Liguria led by Giovanni Toti and by the centre-right with the cellars and warehouses that have become habitable and, again, in Sardinia, still a centre-right government, with the basements transformed into houses.
In Sicily the right aims to rehabilitate 250 thousand homes on the coast: the FdI deputy proposed the law Giorgio Assenza to respond to an “injustice” that concerns a specific type of property, which ended up in a tangle of rules and sentences. The squatters pool is worth many votes, very many.
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– 2024-05-02 17:52:00