Home » today » World » Salvini: «In a year I will return to Papeete as prime minister». And from Romagna he asks to vote

Salvini: «In a year I will return to Papeete as prime minister». And from Romagna he asks to vote

CERVIA (Ravenna) “I plan to return here next year as prime minister, with government roles, if Italians want, to take this land and this country by the hand.” Matteo Salvinionce again promises to return to Palazzo Chigi. But it is not just a repertoire of politics or a phrase of circumstance. From Milano Marittima, you may also think that time has stopped or is cyclical like that of Bill Murray in I start over. Today like yesterday the Papeete, the beach with the children, the games rooms and the go-kart track are those of a year ago. The script seems the same, to suggest the illusion that the sand in the hourglass has stopped flowing: exuberant ladies who invite him to go on, slightly intimidated kids who ask him the selfie, passersby who ask themselves from afar if it is really him: “It is he, it is he …”. Even the post Covid is muffled. Of course there are the masks, but now they are all used to it, they seem an innovation of the costumes in episodes of a series that however is always the same.

Immigration theme in the limelight

Even the people are the same, Barbara Saltamartini never fails. And the themes seem similar. The headlines: also these days we talk about Open Arms. And here the game of starting over begins to show the cracks: on August 1, 2019, the ship Open Arms collected the first 129 migrants off Libya. They would remain on board 19 days. Today Open Arms means the process that Salvini will have to face in the courtroom, just for those 19 days: «But I will remember that for ours Constitution, in article 52, the defense of the borders of the homeland is a sacred duty of the citizen ». Immigration remains in the limelight for the landings of these days and Salvini has a good game to say that «the disaster of this year is under everyone’s eyes without League to the government. But democracy requires that the Italians return to vote and we are ready for tomorrow too “. The theme, today as then, is that of the people that gives strength. The 2020 tshirts also announce it: “If you are there, I am there.”


But even here the nature of the illusion emerges. Inside the League one chews bitterly, i polls aren’t sparkling and there are already those who argue that the result of elections that are far from having a date, will still be higher than that of 2018, when the League went beyond 17%, just the percentage that some polls assign today to Giorgia Meloni. We must forget that the party in the subsequent Regionals had overtaken 33%. But, especially with the allies, it will not be easy at all. Different from last August there are the calculations on the times of which the League leader spoke. Then Salvini hoped that by pulling the plug he could go to elections as early as September. Now there are those who argue that the government will last until the end of next year: «They say they have to stay to choose the president: I hope that nobody hates the Italians so much that they stay there for a year and a half to do nothing to parcel out the presidency of the Republic “. The doubt remains whether, in his heart, the former Interior Minister has ever regretted having pulled the plug from the first Conte government. He denies it: «We went to the Council of Ministers and we began to hear only no. No to everything we had to do. And then I’m proud to have said no. The word given is worth a thousand ministries ».

August 1, 2020 (change August 1, 2020 | 11:41 pm)


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