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Salvini-Conte axis for a female president. The Belloni case breaks out

AGI – Matteo Salvini and Giuseppe Conte declared, almost in unison and using the same words, that they are both working on the election of a female President of the Republic.

The two leaders did not mention names but rumors about Elisabetta Belloni have strengthened in the corridors of Palazzo Montecitorio. Although parliamentary sources of the Democratic Party report that in these hours we are also thinking about the names of Paola Severino and Marta Cartabia.

The number one of Dis, Elisabetta Belloni, would be the preferred choice of the two allies of the M5s-Lega government, on which a high-level conversation between the parties has been underway for days, according to what various sources of the center-right report.

In the center-right coalition, the name does not displease Giorgia Meloni. While Forza Italia has doubts about the technical ‘double’ at Palazzo Chigi and technical also at the Quirinale. “For us Belloni is not good,” said Licia Ronzulli, deputy group leader in the Senate of Forza Italia, arriving at the offices of the groups in Palazzo Montecitorio.

In the center left, he openly sided against Matteo Renzi. “That the head of the secret services in office becomes President of the Republic is unacceptable”, said the leader of Italia viva. “This is an unprecedented drift. I will not vote for Elisabetta Belloni. She is a friend of mine. But one does not go to the Quirinale from the secret services: those who do not understand this have no institutional culture”.

While discontent is registered among the big voters of the Democratic Party around the name which, in these minutes, seems to have taken hold in the talks between Matteo Salvini, Giuseppe Conte and Enrico Letta.

To probe the parliamentarians dem, in fact, skepticism emerges with respect to this path and it is emphasized that “the whole process must involve large voters and groups, with a bottom-up construction of consensus “.

A path that is all the more necessary since “recent events have shown that there is a Vietnam risk, even a very high one, and there is no need for carelessness or chasing after this or that name”.

In short, it is the reasoning, again “nothing is closed, there are authoritative names, even of other women”, in addition to that of Belloni, “as Severino is Cartabia. We have not closed on a specific name. We need sobriety, as our secretary said, while others have decided to make leaps forward “.

“With all due respect for Elisabetta Belloni’s competence and ability, in a democratic country it is absolutely inappropriate for the head of the secret services to become president of the Republic”, comment sources from Leu.

“In the same way, it is not acceptable that the presidency of the Republic and the leadership of the government are both entrusted to technical and non-political personalities”.

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