Home » News » Salvini ‘calls’ Renzi: “You pass from words to deeds, he is the one who keeps the government standing. I am working to enlarge the center-right”
Salvini ‘calls’ Renzi: “You pass from words to deeds, he is the one who keeps the government standing. I am working to enlarge the center-right”
First the “speak like us” from the benches of center right after the speech in Senate, now the clear and round message: “Also Renzi says the country is stopped? Good, you pass from words to deeds, since it is he who is keeping this government up and running ”. And the solution: “If there were a government far from my ideas that does many things, it would be positive news, but the effect of the constant quarrels between Conte, Di Maio and Zingaretti is the total stall, everything is still ”. More: “In Parliament – dice Matteo Salvini a The Air that pulls on La7 – there are many tired of the promise, chatter and gods quarrels of the current government, who could gladly lend a hand to a center-right government founded on freedoms “. Thus the leader of the League ‘call’ the number of Italy Viva at the break, waved in words by the former Prime Minister in the classroom of Madama Palace during the explanations of vote on the reform of the Month. Even more explicitly: “I’m working to widen the center-right”, clarifies Salvini.
The “amazed” Meloni – The meeting proposed by the leader of the League is the last stage of the tribulations opened in the majority by Renzi, starting from the control room on the Recovery Fund. And the message from the former vice-premier arrives on the day Giorgia Meloni she said she “doesn’t understand it” and defined herself “shocked” from the openings of the Carroccio to a solution that does not contemplate urns immediately, if the balance of the Conte 2 should jump. “I’m interested in understanding if Salvini really considers it possible in this legislature to return with the Five Stars or to make a government with the Democratic Party or if, like me, he has a single horizonpossible: go to vote with center right. This is the only thing that matters – he added – and on which I count that we will wipe out the misunderstandings”.