Two hot days in the Chamber. The return from the long Easter weekend is marked by the fire of the opposition above Matteo Salvini e Daniela Santanchè: the Northern League deputy prime minister and the Melonian minister are the targets of the no-confidence motions presented by the center-left and expected to be discussed today and tomorrow. These are two different proceedings, but scheduled in succession at Montecitorio. In the evening, the majority rejected with 211 nos and 129 yeses the vote of no confidence in the leader of the League and deputy prime minister who was targeted by the opposition for his collaboration with United Russia. Tomorrow morning we will vote on Santanchè.
Neither of them had appeared in a semi-deserted chamber in the morning, while the vote of no confidence in the FdI representative was being discussed: only the University Minister was sitting on the government benches Anna Maria Bernini. The reply for the executive, on the Santanchè case, was entrusted to the undersecretary Matilde Siracusano: “Anticipating trials, and this is what I heard people do in this room today, does not mean respecting the work of the judiciary,” he said.
The deputy prime minister and relations with Putin
The motion against Salvini was presented by Azione, the first signatory being the group leader Matteo Richetti, and also signed by Pd, M5S and Avs. At the center of the story are the relations between the League and United Russia, the party of Vladimir Putinin particular after the declarations of the secretary of the Northern League following the death of the Russian dissident Navalny. Despite the irritation of Giorgia Meloni e Antonio Tajani Due to Salvini’s attitude on foreign policy, the deputy prime minister’s position was not called into question by the vote. Palazzo Chigi had given orders to defend it.
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by Tommaso Ciriaco

The pressure from the allies, however, obtained a public intervention with which the League had to disavow the “equal and confidential partnership” signed on 6 March 2017 between Via Bellerio and Russia Unita. “As already reiterated – the Northern League puts it in black and white in a note – the purely political collaboration intentions of 2017 between the League and United Russia are no longer valid after the invasion of Ukraine. Moreover. Even in previous years there had been no joint initiatives. The League’s line is confirmed by the votes in Parliament.” Actually, attack Matteo Richetti, the Action deputy who promoted the no-confidence vote against Salvini, the agreement “contains an automatic clause”. The news was revealed by Republic already in 2022 and there is no official news of a cancellation of the protocol, which would therefore have been renewed on 6 March 2022, when Putin had already invaded Ukraine.
“Moscagate”, the European Parliament ready to investigate politicians paid by Moscow: the sovereignist groups of Salvini and Meloni are trembling
by our correspondent Claudio Tito

The minister hanging over the investigations
Daniela Santanchè’s position is instead linked to judicial investigations. The exponent of Fratelli d’Italia, who ended up at the center of the investigation by the Milan prosecutor’s office into the Covid redundancy fund of the Visibilia company, makes it known that she is “zero worried”. “It’s an important vote, the opposition is rightly playing your part – she underlined – but making the majority stronger”. The underlying message, with the request for maximum unity, seems aimed at the entire centre-right, because if it is true that the leaders, from Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni to the two deputies Matteo Salvini and Antonio Tajani, say they are certain of the cohesion of the majority and the declarations maintain a guaranteeist line, it is no mystery that the minister’s judicial troubles are giving her some concern.
Pd: “Santanchè has resigned”. But she’s an April Fool’s joke, “unfortunately”
edited by the Politics editorial team

The main fear, in the majority, is that a rejection of the motion of no confidence could be followed by developments in the investigation that has just ended, or by new proceedings capable of creating embarrassment, in the midst of an electoral spring which, between now and June, will test the strength of the government coalition on multiple levels.
The League fears the reshuffle. Idea Meloni: Leo at the Mef and Giorgetti in Europe
by Emanuele Lauria

And therefore from many quarters, within Fratelli d’Italia, the hope is expressed that the minister will draw her own conclusions on whether or not to remain in office, especially in the event of a request for indictment by the Milan prosecutor’s office.
#Salvini #Santanchè #motions #confidence #discussed #Chamber
– 2024-05-12 22:21:09