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Salvarezza said that you probably have to dose …

The Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation, Roberto Salvarezza, stressed this Saturday that “probably you will have to give booster doses or change the vaccine if it is not effective against a new variant.” This was stated in radio statements when referring to the effectiveness of the coronavirus vaccines.

“Today there are many questions. Some ask the duration of the immunity conferred by the vaccine,” said the official in dialogue with AM 750. “We still do not know for sure how long the vaccine that began to be applied provides immunity. in December of last year. We have to analyze how antibodies and cellular immunity evolve to say how long immunity will provide us with the vaccines“he added.

The developers of the Sputnik V vaccine recently announced that theirs is “the most efficient against Delta variant“According to a study presented by the Gamaleya Center. In that sense, last Thursday they announced that they will offer other manufacturing laboratories”a booster shot, adjusted to work against the Delta variant “, first detected in India.

Salvarezza estimated that “in other diseases, such as the flu, vaccines must be changed every year” and that “the appearance of new variants complicates the picture”, since, “in many cases vaccines and antibodies that we generate may not be effective for new variants. So “You have to think that you will probably have to give booster doses or change the vaccine if it is not effective. “


In another passage of the interview he referred to the statements of Mauricio Macri (for which the former president later apologized), in which he minimized the coronavirus. “It has been a position that has been handled by the opposition to the Government, which from the beginning tried to convey to the population that the pandemic was nothing, that they had to get out and that the quarantine did not matter, that they had to burn chinstraps.”

The minister stressed that “this thing that was like a little stronger than a flu, is in accordance with the lines of thought that Patricia Bullrich has expressed, there is a sector that has gone in that direction.” Macri had said last Thursday in Mendoza: “I have never really believed that this slightly more serious flu is something for which one must be without sleep.”

For Salvarezza, what the former president said “expresses a sector of the opposition that worked throughout the pandemic to oppose the health and care measures that the government was implementing.”

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