Home » today » World » Salvadoran writer Luis Melgar Brizuela dies – Diario La Página – 2024-03-09 13:21:03

Salvadoran writer Luis Melgar Brizuela dies – Diario La Página – 2024-03-09 13:21:03

The Salvadoran poet and researcher, Luis Melgar Brizuela, founder of the literary group “Piedra y Siglo”, died this Friday, according to the directors of the Museum of the Word of Image.

The writer Manlio Argueta lamented the loss of the Salvadoran intellectual. «Piedra y Siglo is in mourning, and all Salvadoran poetry and literary thought. My condolences, Candita and daughters. “Luis Melgar loses his great battle,” he wrote on Facebook.

«Deep sorrow in Salvadoran literature after confirming the death of Dr. Luis Melgar Brizuela, university professor, indigenous activist, and founder of the ‘Piedra y Siglo’ Literary Group, born in Suchitoto, Cuscatlán, in 1943. Our deepest condolences to his family already the entire literary community, inside and outside, of his beloved ‘Kushkatan’,” wrote the Poetically account in X.

Melgar Brizuela, born on May 14, 1943 in Suchitoto, obtained his teaching degree in Letters from the Escuela Normal Superior of El Salvador, and then obtained a degree in Letters from the University of El Salvador (1966 – 1971); In addition, he obtained a teaching degree in Spanish Literature from the Institute of Hispanic Culture of Madrid, Spain, and a Doctorate in Hispanic Letters from El Colegio de México 1978 –1981.

The intellectual achieved important literary recognition for his poetic work and essays.

Among his bibliography are the collection of poems ““The Gods of War”the chronic“El Cipítío in El Salvador-Sheraton” the anthology“Salvadoran Poetry of the 20th Century”. Likewise, the essaysExpression and communication”, “Ancient Literature”, “Contemporary Literature”, “Hispanic, Central American and Salvadoran Literature”, Aesthetic Education I, II and III;Didactic texts: development of the official Secondary Education programs, for levels 1, 2, and 3 of the Baccalaureate, from 1976 to 1996, ““Heads and tails of contemporary Salvadoran dramaturgy”and others.

In September 2006 he won first place in the Fifth Central American Floral Games, in León, Nicaragua, in the Poetry branch, with the collection of poemsSeven stories from Cuscatlán.

#Salvadoran #writer #Luis #Melgar #Brizuela #dies #Diario #Página

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