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Salut opens vaccination to people between 35 and 39 years old

The Department of Health has opened this morning the vaccination of the age group of those born between 1982 and 1986, that is, those between 35 and 39 years old. It’s only been a week since the 40-44-year-old band was opened, but you want to move fast.

The minister Josep Maria Argimon has said that in the coming days the lower ages will be opened, starting with those from 30-34 and then, those under 30, after the state level approve overlapping the vaccination of all age groups that remain until the children of 12 years. Although minors aged 16-12 will be the last to be called because they are the ones who have the lowest risk of contracting the covid and in a serious way, Carmen Cabezas, Secretary of Public Health, has specified.

Salut has opened the new vaccination period because, although last week it was opened for those 45-49 and there are many appointments given in those of 40-49, according to Cabezas, this June many doses arrive and they want to put all of them as soon as possible (89% of those received have been administered). Last week 553,011 doses were inoculated and so far 266,711 have been punctured. For this week, 531,690 doses will be available.

Salut wants to emphasize the completion of the vaccination schedule for those who are older, especially those aged 60-69 who receive AstraZeneca, given the growth of the delta (or Indian) variant of the virus, which is more transmissible and could in some cases generate more disease. serious. And it escapes more to vaccines in the first dose. According to Cabezas, the first doses (of all vaccines) have an effectiveness against this variant of only 33%, while the second ones of 80.8%, hence the acceleration of vaccination.

Those aged 60-69 who received the first dose 11 weeks ago or more have started to be called, and now those 10 weeks ago will also be called. It is not ruled out that Pfizer vaccines are used in this age group to speed up vaccination coverage, said Carmen Cabezas. Although he has assured that it is not due to the lack of doses of AstraZeneca, from which they are arriving and by the end of the month, more supplies would be expected.

90% of essential staff under 55 years of age who also now take second doses are choosing AstraZeneca, although they could inject Pfizer, in fact it was the first option promoted by the Ministry of Health. In any case, Cabezas has indicated that there are enough vaccines and urges all people to complete the vaccination regimen.

Pfizer could also be used in those aged 60-69 to speed up their immunization

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Celeste Lopez

The availability of vaccines also favors that appointments for different ages can be opened faster and those under 40 years of age overlap, while maintaining the descending age order. It will be gradual. Argimon has defended that “it would not make much sense” to open vaccination at once to two million people, to all those under 40.

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