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Salt Substitution Linked to Lowered Risk of Death: New Study Reveals Benefits

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How Using Less Salt Can Improve Your Health

New research suggests that reducing salt intake can lower the risk of death

Eating a lower-salt diet may not sound exciting, but recent findings indicate that it can have significant benefits, including a lowered risk of death, according to a new study. The research, published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, reveals the positive outcomes of using salt substitutes in cooking.

Effective Long-Term Results

The study, led by Dr. Loai Albarqouni from the Institute for Evidence-Based Healthcare at Bond University in Australia, involved a systematic review of 16 randomized controlled trials. These trials, which included over 35,000 participants, showcased the long-term effectiveness of salt substitutions on cardiovascular outcomes for up to 10 years.

Surprising Quantity of Evidence

The authors of the study were surprised by the lack of salt substitution research beyond Asian countries. Although the findings were promising, the certainty of the evidence obtained for Western populations was classified as ‘low to very low’ due to the limited research in non-Asian contexts.

Using a salt substitute could lower your risk of dying early, according to new research.

Lower Sodium Levels and Blood Pressure

The study also found a significant reduction in sodium levels in urine and blood pressure among participants using salt substitutes. These effects are similar to those achieved through blood pressure medications and provide a potential explanation for the decreased risk of death.

Considerations for Western Context

The study emphasized the difficulty of applying the findings to Western populations due to variation in salt consumption patterns. Salt intake in North America is predominantly driven by processed and takeaway food, unlike the research context, which is more influenced by salt added during home food preparation.

Potassium as an Alternative

While reducing sodium intake is important, the study also highlights the benefits of increased potassium consumption. Potassium-rich fruits and vegetables offer an effective way to incorporate this essential electrolyte into one’s diet.

Relevance to High Blood Pressure

The American Heart Association recommends a daily sodium intake limit of 1,500 milligrams for most adults, specifically those with high blood pressure. Monitoring sodium intake is crucial, especially when consuming packaged or restaurant food that often contains more sodium than expected.

Expert Recommendations

According to Dr. Andrew Freeman, a preventative cardiologist, eliminating sodium salt from one’s diet is highly beneficial, and potassium plays a crucial role in promoting heart health. However, consuming a well-balanced diet with a variety of fruits and vegetables remains the most effective way to increase potassium levels.

Adjusting to a Low-Salt Diet

It’s normal for meals with reduced salt to taste somewhat plain initially. However, tastebuds can adapt within a few weeks, making the transition easier. Dr. Albarqouni advises that reducing sodium intake is just one aspect of cardiovascular disease prevention, and other lifestyle changes, such as diet modifications, quitting smoking, and increased physical activity, also play significant roles in maintaining heart health.

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