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Salon des Associations de Chartres: A Wide Range of Activities for All Interests

Judo, fencing, basketball, but also country dancing, astronomy, yoga or urban acrobatics… The activities offered at the Salon des Associations de Chartres are very numerous and very diversified. This year, 173 structures are taking part in the show, including twelve for the first time.

Operation seduction, this weekend, for associations holding a fair in Chartres

This is undoubtedly what explains, in part, the success of the event, which throughout the day on Saturday, attracted a considerable crowd, with in particular, many neo-Chartrains.

The demonstration continues this Sunday, from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m., between Place Châtelet and the Butte des Charbonniers. Admission is free.

premium Major projects: what will happen in Chartres and in the agglomeration from the start of the school year

Remi Bonnet

#Event #Chartres #association #fair #attracts #considerable #crowd

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