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Salmonellosis is prevalent in hot weather

Specialists of the Center for Disease Prevention and Control (SPKC) remind that the incidence of intestinal infections (salmonellosis, campylobacteriosis, food toxic infections, etc.) increases in summer. This trend is closely linked to the preparation of food in unsuitable outdoor conditions, inadequate storage of prepared food and insufficient observance of personal hygiene requirements.

In 2020, 104 cases of salmonellosis were registered in Latvia in the period from January to June, in 2019 in the respective period – 200 cases. Cases of salmonellosis are registered throughout the year, but more often people get salmonellosis in the warm summer months, explains Ilze Arāja, Head of the Communication Department of SPKC.

She points out that infection with salmonellosis occurs through the consumption of inadequately cooked foodstuffs of animal origin (meat, eggs, milk and milk products, fish, shrimp, etc.) or from food prepared from these uncooked products, as well as from the consumption of such products. dishes prepared in conditions where hygiene norms are not observed. Young children can become infected by playing with salmonella-carrying pets such as birds, turtles, mice and rats.

“Summer is a time when special care must be taken when purchasing, preparing and storing food. To avoid salmonellosis and other acute intestinal infections caused by food prepared and stored under inappropriate conditions, certain conditions need to be met. Perishable foods (meat, milk, fish, eggs and products made from them, as well as confectionery with cream, various culinary products and ready-made salads), buy them in places where they are stored in refrigerated display cases or refrigerators equipped with a thermometer to control the temperature, “spokeswoman SPKC .

“Do not eat spoiled or expired foods. Do not allow cooked food to come into contact with raw food (store finished products in closed containers). Only use a special board and knife when handling raw products. Before and after handling raw materials Wash table tops and hands Avoid using fresh milk or products made from fresh milk and drink only pasteurized or boiled milk, and be careful not to eat ice if it is not made from safe drinking water. wash fruits and vegetables, especially fresh ones, if possible, peel vegetables and fruits, “says I.Arāja.

SPKC specialists encourage to eat only food whose quality is known for sure. More information on salmonellosis and its prevention is available at the Center for Disease Prevention and Control website.

Salmonellosis is an acute intestinal infection that mainly affects the gastrointestinal tract, recalls SPKC. Symptoms of salmonellosis appear 6 to 72 hours after infection. Signs of salmonellosis include fever, nausea, vomiting, cramps and abdominal pain, diarrhea, headache. If the disease is severe, or if the patient is a small child, a large loss of fluid can lead to dehydration, which can be a life-threatening condition.

To avoid acute intestinal infections, remember to wash your hands frequently and thoroughly with soap and water. Always wash your hands before eating and drinking, after going to the toilet, before touching your eyes, nose and mouth, before and after treating your injuries. Wet wipes or hand sanitizers can also be used to remove dirt from the hands and kill germs.

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