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Salma Hayek, the actress who arrived, achieved success despite suffering from DYSLEXIA, did you know?

When we see celebrities perform on the small screen or in the cinema, we never imagine that many of them suffer from conditions like the rest of the people. It is the case of Salma Hayek, the actress of Mexican origin who has conquered the world with her talent and beauty. She recently confessed to suffering from dyslexia, something that could truncate his dreams of succeeding as a histrin.

The protagonist of “Frida”, “Partners in war” Y “Once upon a time in Mexico” He couldn’t speak clearly years ago; However, it was no impediment to achieving success and being one of the most powerful women in the business. In accordance with “chale an eye“The woman from Veracruz will not be able to learn new words, pronounce them correctly and even write them.

The diagnosis was obtained at the age of 12. However, he was able to finish the Relations International and conquer acting, a merit that cost him a lot of work, because to get the role of “Teresa” (1989) had to attend with the speech therapist regularly and do vocal exercises to be able to live with this condition.

The race of Salma Hayek has been full of successes and has worked alongside great figures such as Penlope Cruz, Owen Wilson, Angelina Jolie, Will Smith, Antonio Banderas, among others. She was also nominated for Awards scar and the Golden Globes. She is currently 54 years old and is also an actress, director and producer.

What is dyslexia?

This problem is a learning disorder what does the difficulty to read due to difficulty identifying speech sounds and understanding how they relate to speech letters and the words (decoding). Dyslexia, which is also called “reading difficulty,” affects areas of the brain that process language.

People with dyslexia They have normal intelligence and generally normal vision as well. Most children can be successful in school with the help of a tutor or a specialized teaching program. Emotional support also plays an important role.

What are the symptoms of dyslexia?

The signs may be difficult to recognize before the child begins school, but there are some signs that may indicate that the problem exists. The severity varies, but the condition usually becomes more apparent as the child begins to learn to read.

Signs that a young child may be at risk for having dyslexia they comprise:

  • Take time to start talking.
  • Learn new words at a slow pace.
  • Problems forming words properly, such as reversing the sounds in words or confusing words that sound alike.
  • Trouble remembering or saying names of letters, numbers, and colors.
  • Difficulty learning nursery rhymes or playing rhyming games.


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