Home » today » World » Sallusti blows up the Arianna Meloni case, FdI: “Investigate her? You won’t pass”. Donzelli evokes a conspiracy

Sallusti blows up the Arianna Meloni case, FdI: “Investigate her? You won’t pass”. Donzelli evokes a conspiracy

“They want to investigate Arianna Meloni”, the headline reads the newspaper on the front page and in an editorial Alessandro Sallusti he speaks openly of a “backlash” between “hostile newspapers, magistrates and the left” that would hide a real “campaign to surround the prime minister’s sister”. Thus the Arianna case explodes and with systematic timing comes the battery of declarations from Fratelli d’Italia to express indignation, solidarity and a warning: “You will not pass”.

The director of the newspaper owned by the Angelucci family evokes an alleged “Palamara method”, “capable of deviating the course of democracy”. In practice, a political-judicial system artfully constructed “to cripple the adversary”. The proof? A “disproportionate attention” towards the FdI leader that would lead to the accusation of “influence peddling”.

Sallusti indicates the Renzians as the political instigators of the operation. Starting with Senator IV Raffaella Shirt who had attacked the head of the political secretariat of via della Scrofa “for her influence on the appointments at Rai” and on the renewal of the top management at Ferrovie dello Stato. Accusations – writes Sallusti – “amplified both by Maria Elena Boschi both from Matthew Renzi”.

Trenitalia disruptions, CEO wobbles: FdI focuses on a friend of Arianna Meloni

by Giovanna Vitale

The background of the Newspaperas mentioned, does not go unnoticed in FdI. The first to intervene is the president of the senators Lucio Malan who speaks of a “disturbing possible judicial outcome of the campaign against Arianna Meloni”. To which the group leader in the Chamber Thomas Foti expresses “full solidarity”, adding “a message to professional troublemakers: ‘You will not pass'”. For the deputy group leader in the Chamber Augusta Montaruli“using the judiciary as a crowbar to attack not only a legitimately elected government but also honest people, with the ‘Palamara method’, is mean, vile and characteristic of the worst dictatorships”. While the Undersecretary of Justice Andrea Delmastro of the Widows accuses the left “of rancor, anger and hatred”. “The other day we went too far by associating the magic word ‘influence’ with Arianna Meloni and therefore indirectly accusing her of a crime: influence peddling”, he adds. A crime, moreover, as many jurists have observed, “sterilized” by minister Carlo Nordio.

But in the meantime the avalanche has started and the Organization Manager of FdI John Donzelli He posts a video in which he bluntly hypothesizes a “conspiracy to stop the government and reforms” and an attempt to “pollute democracy”.

When brought into the discussion, Senator Paita replies: “Finding ourselves accused of plotting phantom judicial conspiracies as Alessandro Sallusti and the FdI General Staff did is pure science fiction”. “We will not be intimidated” – she adds – “Giorgia Meloni must come and answer in the chamber and tell us: is it true or not that Arianna Meloni intervened in the nominations? And if so, in what capacity?”.

#Sallusti #blows #Arianna #Meloni #case #FdI #Investigate #wont #pass #Donzelli #evokes #conspiracy
– 2024-08-18 12:15:22

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