Home » today » World » Salinas Pliego is hit in Naples with Steve Jobs’ yacht! | Video

Salinas Pliego is hit in Naples with Steve Jobs’ yacht! | Video

The Mexican businessman Ricardo Salinas Pliegoowner of Aztecahe reported this Wednesday on his official account Xwhich is the yacht that belonged to the founder of Apple, Steve Jobsand now belongs to his wife, crashed into his own car during his vacation in the city of Naples.

Along with a video, in which the impact between the two vessels can be seen, the controversial multimillionaire recounted the events during his vacation, when he claims they were hit by the other yacht while they were anchored. “The yacht of Steve Jobs, founder of Apple (now owned by his wife Laurene), hit us while we were anchored off Naples.”

I would like to know what the captain and crew were doing that they didn’t see a yacht the size of mine in front of them. The good news is that nothing more than a scratch happened, but it’s a big scratch that’s going to cost a lot to fix.

“Buy Apple products so they can help you Help me pay for your little joke“, continued the Mexican.

Closing his message, he again criticized the captain of the vessel allegedly belonging to the technology genius, stating that “There is no shortage of idiots in the world and understand how important it is to have a responsible and attentive captain in command.”

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