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Sales of tablets and chromebooks down sharply

The PC sales have begun to decline since the end of confinement, with the decline in teleworking and distance learning, but also due to a high rate of equipment.

This trend does not spare other segments such as touch tablets and chromebooks, which are also suffering from this general market slowdown, no doubt also accelerated by the effects of inflation and localized confinements in China.

The study office Canalys observed significant declines in sales in the second quarter. Sales of tablets fell by 11%, representing a volume of 34.8 million units.

The main players have all seen their sales fall by 10 to more than 20%, except Amazon which has managed to better sell its Fire tablets by 6%. Apple remains largely in the lead thanks to its iPad (12.1 million units sold), ahead of Samsung (7 million) and Lenovo (3.5 million). Huawei remains in the Top 5 worldwide but is down 25% compared to last year.

The market should remain weak, but the back-to-school period, with the resumption of the school period and the arrival of new models, gives hope for a slight improvement in the third quarter.

Chromebooks down sharply but above pre-pandemic levels

For its part, the chromebook market is continuing a downturn that began several quarters ago and sinks 57.4% over one year, for a volume of only 5.1 million units.

The declines are violent, up to nearly 80% for example for HP, in connection with the end of supply contracts for the education sector and which are not renewed.

Chromebooks ventes Q2 2022 Canalys

Analysts note that chromebooks have also lagged in the enterprise segment, constituting a disappointment. Despite this normalization, volumes are still above pre-pandemic levels.

Canalys also makes a small update on PC sales in the second quarter. They are still down by more than 13% and, if Lenovo remains the leader (almost 21 million units), it is Apple which has distinguished itself by taking second place (16.6 million) from HP (13, 6 million), just ahead of Dell (13.3 million).

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