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Sales of SMEs decrease by women on Facebook – El Financiero

52 percent of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Mexico, which are led by women and that operate on Facebook, reported an annual reduction in their sales during February 2021, revealed the Global Report on the State of Small Businesses prepared by the social network founded by Mark Zuckerberg.

In contrast, only 48 percent of male-led SMEs showed an annual decline in their sales during the second month of 2021.

Facebook classified February as a key month to make these comparisons, since in February 2020 the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic were not yet in sight.

The report revealed that currently 73 percent of women who are in charge of an SME, are operating or participating in some income-generating activity, this figure is slightly lower than the 84 percent that was achieved during October 2020.

At a general level, 56 percent of SMEs in Mexico trust that they will continue operating for at least six more months.

Regarding future challenges, 19 percent of those surveyed said that one of the challenges they will have to face will be related to cash flow, while 24 percent foresee a lack of customers.

During the last year, 38 percent of SMEs operating in Mexico were forced to reduce their number of employees as a result of the pandemic.

The survey was conducted with 35,000 SMEs in Mexico and the world to learn how the restrictions imposed to control the pandemic impacted their operations, income, workforce and medium-term plans.

“Facebook is committed to supporting SMEs on the road to economic recovery by making available to companies, organizations, government agencies and the general public relevant and actionable information to find solutions that help this important sector of the economy ”, Said the company.

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