Tesla, the long-time leader in Europe’s largest new car market, has dropped to third place, ceding the top two positions to others.
After the election of Donald Trump as President of the United States, Elon Musk can be happy with the rapid increase in the share price of Tesla, which cannot be said about the sales of vehicles produced by his company in the German market, where it is in 2022 and until the middle of 2023 Tesla was the undisputed leader.
The year 2024 also started relatively well, but in October, according to data compiled by the German Federal Motor Vehicle Association KBA, Tesla is only in third place with 31,461 cars sold.
BMW has done better than the Americans with 33,167 units sold, but Volkswagen is the first, well ahead of its competitors, who managed to find buyers for 49,234 fully electric vehicles ( BEVs) in October.
Both Volkswagen and Tesla are doing much worse than they were a year ago in the weak BEV market. Last October, the parent brand of the Volkswagen Group had delivered 9,400 BEVs more than today, even Tesla 23,300, while the domestic market of BMW continues to grow, having delivered 6,600 cars more on a year before.
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2024-11-11 02:26:00
#Sales #electric #cars #Tesla #Germany #place