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Salerno, violence on buses: one other assault

First the verbal aggression, then, as soon as we obtained to the cease, the push that threw the person off the automobile whereas the attacker tried to flee. The controller of BusItalia Campania was given a three-day prognosis and was attacked within the early afternoon of Monday, round 3pm, by a foreigner touring on line quantity 17. In response to the reconstruction of the info, the controller would have come throughout the passenger throughout a routine examine discovering that he was touring with out having a ticket. From right here arose a heated dialogue which culminated when, having reached one of many stops alongside the route, the abusive passenger threw the conductor out of the bus and commenced his escape, interrupted solely by the intervention of a municipal police patrol who stopped the person. and supplied first support to the sufferer.

«Commerce union organizations – Filt Cgil, Match Cisl, Uil Trasporti and Ugl Trasporti write in a joint notice – specific their strongest condemnation for the assault suffered by a Busitalia Campania conductor, which occurred close to the Salerno station cease. The info present {that a} ticket inspector and inspector, whereas finishing up his work, was violently attacked by a person with no ticket and identification doc. This act of violence not solely represents a severe hazard to the protection of employees however can also be an assault on public order and the tranquility of residents who use the general public transport service».

#Salerno #violence #buses #assault
– 2024-06-13 03:51:35

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