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Salerno, rebalancing plan: new spending cuts

In the aseptic language of public administration they are defined “cuts in current spending and the purchase of goods and services” and, on paper, it is a sort of reduction in spending on the daily activity of the administrative machine which should not affect the efficiency of the essential services provided by City Palace. But in reality, the cuts that the administration has decided to apply to cover part of the deficit risk resulting in a lowering of the quality of services offered to citizens, especially considering that the shortage of staff in the Municipality is already chronic.

The “adjusted” resolution

The slimming treatment imposed on the offices became necessary after the Council had to pass a new resolution to rectify the error contained in the budget estimate voted only a few days ago and which, for the correction, must return to the chamber next Thursday. “In the 2024 – 2026 budget forecast – we read in the resolution – the sum of 25,196,984 euros was entered due to a mere material error with the exclusion of that relating to the failure to cover the deficit deriving from the 2021 management and resulting from the result of the preliminary balance sheet 2023 (8,419,264 euros) which must be entirely repaid in the 2024 financial year”, therefore within this year. Therefore, the exact sum to be entered in the 2024 financial year budget for the recovery of the deficit is 33,616,248 euros.

A cut for all offices

To cover this figure, therefore, they are calculated 6.3 million euros from the sale of the first lot of the Prog area of ​​the former cement factory, another 6 million euros from the sale of the second lot of the same Prog area for which the contract is being defined and the sale of the property in via Bastioni which houses the ASL mental health offices, ready to become full owner of the historic building. Not enough, however, to cover the entire amount, so it was decided to cut current spending and the purchase of office goods, such as that of the municipal police which is already heavily understaffed and as for social policies.

In detail, the cuts concern the budget chapters relating to the current expenses of the general secretariat (purchase of goods and services, technical, operational and management support, deliberative activities, institutional bodies); economic, financial, planning and supervisory management (expenses for formulation, coordination and monitoring of economic and financial plans and programs in general); expenses for the administrative management of real estate and state property and for advocacy, advocacy and legal consultancy activities in favor of the organisation; current expenses and the purchase of goods and services of the local police. The cut also concerns cultural activities and various interventions in the cultural sector; the tourism development and valorisation programme; purchases related to roads and road infrastructure; interventions for disabilities, for the elderly, for subjects at risk of social exclusion and for the network of socio-health and social services.

#Salerno #rebalancing #plan #spending #cuts
– 2024-04-07 12:08:48

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