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Salerno, lessons at “Abbagnano” stopped: students at “Tafuri”

Il next school year It is very steep – both uphill and downhill – for families with children. little students of the municipal nursery school, primary and lower secondary school “Nicola Abbagnano”. From via Cesare Battisti, just above the Trincerone roundabout, in fact, the pupils of the school in the centre of Salerno will be temporarily moved to another structure: this is the Tafuri school, located in Salita Montevergine, of the “Barra” nursery and primary school which in recent months has returned under the aegis of the Public Education after having been used for some time as a temporary reception centre for minor migrants who arrived at the port of Salerno.

And move which presents a logistical situation that is certainly not simple: considering that the “Abbagnano” is located at the top of a fairly steep climb, mothers, fathers and grandparents will already be quite trained but a significant amount of strength will be needed to get to the “Tafuri”, practically in Canalone, considering the perspective from above. «The Abbagnano School explains the Councilor for Public Education of the Municipality of Salerno, Gaetana Falconehas obtained regional funding dedicated to seismic adaptation and energy efficiency and, in order not to lose these funds, we must start the works immediately».

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– 2024-08-15 10:02:07

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