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Salerno Guiscards, third hit: Maria Erra

Maria Erra will wear the jersey of Salerno Guiscards. The third move in an increasingly glittering market for the president’s company is official Pino D’Andrea announcing the arrival of the Salerno spiker born in 1997. Intelligence, experience, strength, class, Maria Erra She is one of the players who has really made her mark on Campania volleyball in recent years, managing to leave her mark also in the national championships. Many successes and satisfactions obtained with the Volley Project Pontecagnanowith important experiences also with the shirts of Scafati and of the Academy Beneventowith whom she played in the Serie B2 championship last season, the strong spiker from Salerno said yes to the Salerno Guiscards project, after many challenges, some of which were thrilling and hard-fought, experienced as an opponent.

«After many matches as an opponent – declared Maria Erra – It will certainly be a special feeling but being able to compete in the Serie B2 in Salerno, in the first team of the territory is certainly a source of great pride. Salerno represents home for me and I am really happy to be here. In these years I have followed Salerno Guiscards a lot and I have seen a good project. I arrive in a determined company that has important goals and this convinced me to accept the offer of the president D’Andrea». For the new spiker of the foxes this is an important season that is about to begin, after the last championship that was certainly not exciting: «Returning to Benevento was a gamble. It hasn’t been an easy year, for many reasons, both logistical and team-related, and now I have a great desire to redeem myself and see my sacrifices rewarded. A tough championship awaits us. I know most of the teams we will face but I’m sure we will see some great things. The club is building a important team with players who have also played in higher categories and I really believe there are the conditions to do well».

To achieve the seasonal objectives there is only one secret: «It will be essential to find the right feeling and then the results will come by themselves. My first goal is to see a united and compact group born, that can get out of difficult moments. A promise to the fans? To promise is an important verb, what I can say is that I will do everything to have fun and entertain, putting on a show on the field, those who will follow us during this championship“. Finally, the choice of the shirt number: «Il 19 It’s my lucky number, it’s my birthday and also the number of my first t-shirt. Then I also played with 9, when there was the mandatory numbering from 1 to 18. The important thing, for me, is that there is 9».

With Maria Erra, Salerno Guiscards strengthens its attack department in a truly significant way, securing a player capable of making the difference in Serie B2. A truly sensational move not only from a technical point of view but also for the depth and temperament of an athlete who has always demonstrated great professionalism on and off the field over the years: «Maria was the coach’s first request to strengthen the team – declared the sporting director of Salerno Guiscards, Christian ChiappaWe had already courted her last year to entrust her with the team to win the Serie C. For personal reasons she chose to stay in B2 but this year we returned to the charge and we managed to close the deal after a long negotiation, given that she had many other offers. We have always been struck by Maria’s determination, desire, ability to be on the field, to interpret Salerno and the Salerno spirit. She is the one who will have the most pressure on her, representing the province of Salerno, but she will be able to come out of it in a big way. She is a very consistent athlete, who never drops below her standard levels of performance. He can do everythingin attack, in defense and at the block but above all she can be an important voice in the group and I am sure that she will also be fundamental in creating the amalgamation within a decidedly renewed group. We are happy that she wanted to marry our project and we expect a lot from her. Personally I am convinced that she is one of the best prospects in the category and I am sure that she will give a great contribution to achieving the seasonal objectives».

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– 2024-08-17 08:47:55

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