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Salerno Guiscards: Eleonora Carbone’s arrival is official

Unleashed on the market, the Salerno Guiscards lands another coup. The association dear to the president Pino D’Andrea announces the signing of the libero Eleanor Carbonecoming from the SG Volley. A real coup considering that the athlete from Salerno born in 1998 represents a real guarantee in this role. Grit, heart, determination accompanied by spectacular defenses make Eleonora Carbone the ideal player for the ambitions of Salerno Guiscards in this first historic championship of Serie B2: «The the project intrigued me right away – declared the new libero of the Foxes – because I believe it is a very ambitious company, it has shown in recent years that it is capable of setting goals and knowing how to work hard to achieve them. From the first contacts with the company I perceived seriousness and a great desire to work but at the same time a serene, almost familiar atmosphere, and I believe that this is a winning mixwhich is essential to be able to do well and aim higher and higher. Furthermore, knowing that you will find someone on the bench Coach Paolo Cacacewas certainly one more reason to immediately accept this project».

Furthermore, Eleonora Carbone, after the years in Sannio with SG Volley, this season will have the opportunity to play in the Serie B2 in Salerno. And for her, originally from Battipagliawho started playing basketball and fell in love with volleyball while accompanying a friend to a training session, is certainly one more reason to do well and give her all: «For me to play the B2 in Salerno represents a source of great pride because I’m practically playing at home. I’m happy first of all because Salerno deserves to be in a national championship, the city deserves it and the volleyball movement of Salerno and its province deserves it, and I’m even happier to personally bring the colors of this city around other arenas». The seasonal objectives are also very clear: «I think the primary objective of this season is to be able to do well, to give everything we are capable of giving, all together, and then the pitch will tell us what we have been able to do and where we have arrived. It will be essential to create a cohesive groupthat always travels in the same direction. I believe so much in the strength of the group, in knowing how to play well together and in knowing how to be together, and I am convinced that at Guiscards there are all the conditions to make “all for one, one for all” a reality. We are expecting a championship in which we will face teams that have built high-level rosters, such as for sure Matese e Altamurabut they are not the only ones. It will surely be a challenging championship but that’s exactly why I’m sure it will also be fun and stimulating, for us on the pitch, for the staff, the club and for those who will follow us».

From a technical point of view, this is how Carbone presents himself to the Salerno Guiscards fans: «It is never easy for me to talk about myself technically, being by nature a person who is always super self-critical but I prefer to lace up my shoes, put on my headband and bring what I am to the field. I can definitely say that what gives me the most satisfaction is breaking the dreams of opposing attackers. I believe that the fundamental of defense is the most beautiful and spectacular in volleyball, it is no coincidence that it is my favorite. I like to make myself heard on the playing field, I believe it is essential to always be present 360 degrees on the field for the role I play, and above all for me it is impossible to go on the field without “throw your heart over the obstacle”. To the fans I say that we will do our best to bring a good volleyball to the field and to entertain them every Saturday afternoon, hoping to be able to rejoice together as many times as possible. The warmth and the push of the public could be the our winning cardwill give us the strength to recover one more ball, and if we are all together, with one heart and one voice, I am sure that the Senatore gym will not be a nice place where the opponents will come to spend Saturday night».

Finally, the choice of the shirt number: «I chose the 17a number that has always fascinated me, even though it is usually linked to bad luck. For me it represents something completely different, as it has been with me since, in 2020, I changed roles and started playing libero after a past as a setter. It is the number with which I began a new chapter in my sporting journey and I like to think that contrary to superstitions, 17 brings me a bit of luck. This is also why I decided to engrave it on my skin, every time I look at it it reminds me of the small goals achieved so far and all those that I hope to be able to achieve in the future».

He knows Eleonora Carbone very well and is very happy to welcome her back, the coach of Salerno Guiscards Paul Cacace: «I have known Eleonora since the time of Cs Pastena, and today, after four years, our paths meet again. We have focused on her right from the start because she is an athlete who puts herself at the service of the team, has an excellent propensity for defense, aggressive and gritty, as well as a person who is a group and team player. I am happy to have her with us and I am sure that with her skills she will give us a big hand in achieving our goals».

#Salerno #Guiscards #Eleonora #Carbones #arrival #official
– 2024-08-21 20:41:01

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