Last night the staff of the Aisa Environmental Safety Unit Salerno carried out in collaboration with the staff of Salerno Pulita SpA a series of targeted checks following multiple reports from citizens residing in the various neighborhoods of the city. From Pastena to Torrione to the city center. Checks that allowed us to identify further 8 non-EU citizens intent on collecting different types of materials from the waste which; torches, electric cables, shoes, clothing, necklaces and bracelets, all within the non-differentiable fraction. The material was re-issued inside them, while others, upon seeing us, left the material and ran away.
Checks which also concerned compliance with the ordinances and regulations in force regarding the disposal of waste, black bags (forbidden) were found, condominiums and commercial activities without wheeled and/or insufficient devices, the staff, having seen what they had observed, proceeded ex officio in addition to attaching the stickers with the words “Non-compliant waste – collect and return as per the calendar“. Targeted and decisive checks that will also continue in the peripheral areas of the city.

#Salerno #controls #raiders #undifferentiated #waste