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Salernitana sale, end 2021 with bated breath: 4 proposals on the table, but …

Trustee marathon by videoconference on the last day to save Serie A. No official communication. The most solid proposal at the moment seems to be that of an American fund

The future of Salernitana is linked to an official communication regarding the possible acceptance of one of the proposals received by the trustees for the acquisition of the Salernitana shareholdings by midnight on 31 December, a communication to be sent naturally to the Football Federation which, also in this last day of 2021, he had constant contact with the trustees, Susanna Isgrò and Paolo Bertoli.

In some cases, the trustees, who spent the day in a videoconference marathon, would also confront the representatives of the various groups interested in Salerno. Spectators, managers, coaches, footballers and employees of the club and of course the fans, all eager to understand what the future of Salernitana will be. An end of the year lived among rumors, punctual denials but also announcements of economic proposals sent with different proposed amounts but with potential buyers united by the desire to take over Salernitana ensuring a future still in Serie A, thus saving the Campania team from a possible exclusion from the championship . At the end of the day, four more concrete proposals arrived during the day. That of the notary from Salerno Roberto Orlando was the first. Then at 2 pm, the Neapolitan entrepreneur Danilo Iervolino, founder and former president of the Pegano Telematic University, would offer ten million euros plus twenty million for immediate management.


Among the proposals received, the economically stronger but also more responsive to the strict requirements imposed by Melior Trust and Widar Trust (the companies delegated to sell the shares in Salernitana managed in the last ten years by Lotito and Mezzaroma) seemed to be the one sent by an American fund All this in a surreal scenario with an entire city waiting to understand, to know the destiny of Salerno. Now all that remains is to wait for the last act, that is, the decision of the trustees.

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