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Salernitana, Iervolino’s letter to the Granata fans

Dear Salernitana fans,
Speaking openly is a necessity for me, aware of the passion that unites us and the tension that, unfortunately, has been created in recent weeks. I cannot ignore the criticisms and insults that have been directed at me, nor can I pretend not to see the banners through which someone is asking me to leave. At the same time, I am heartened by the demonstrations of affection and closeness that have come from that segment of supporters, perhaps larger but also less noisy, who have appreciated our efforts and still have great faith in this company.

A friction with the fans, which I have always defined as extraordinary and legendary, is the last thing I would have wanted. The sporting results of last season disappointed everyone, especially myself. Therefore, I understand all the regret of those who viscerally love this shirt. But we need to raise our heads and remember that a relegation cannot stain our recent past, also studded with many beautiful moments, indeed very beautiful: from that January 13, 2022 until today we have rejoiced, cried, we have been excited. I use the first person plural because I did it together with the Salernitana fans and I was the first to steer that helm of a thousand emotions and sensations. Then we were sorry, because no one likes to “take on water”, especially in an extraordinary city where the sea almost always gives life and almost never takes away. But we governed that helm together, side by side. For this reason, I feel the need to clarify some fundamental points and reiterate that my commitment to Salernitana has never been lacking. I have invested considerable resources and worked tirelessly to bring our team to the level it deserves. I have done it with my heart, moved by the love for these colors and the belief that I can aspire to ever higher goals.

Unfortunately, in recent months I have found myself faced with attacks in a tone that I consider profoundly ungenerous and unbalanced. Now I want to look forward. We all have to do it. After deep reflection, I have decided to resign from the role of President of Salernitana during the Board of Directors meeting held this afternoon. In my place will be Roberto Busso, a great professional to whom I wish the most affectionate good luck: he will be able to make a valuable contribution to the Board of Directors composed of professionals of the caliber of Gianni Petrucci, Angelo Ientile, Alessandro Civitella and of course Maurizio Milan. I did not resign to give in to pressure but because my energies have dulled and I need to recharge my batteries. Furthermore, I wanted to strategically strengthen our company with a new management team that guarantees an even more constant and qualified presence.

I will remain the owner of the club and will continue to support it in every way possible. I believe that I have always made decisions aimed at the good of Salerno, the people of Salerno and the fans, including this one. One of the motivations lies in the desire to create a more serene environment and to work with all those who support these colors for the good of our team. Know that I will continue to fight to bring Salernitana to the levels that we all dream of and I will do everything in my power to ensure that the club can grow and prosper. Let’s not quickly forget the results achieved, the period in which we were all rowing in the same direction, the feeling that was created, the results achieved. Let’s reflect on the importance of unity and mutual respect, never like in this moment. Only together can we overcome this moment and look to the future with hope and ambition.

With love, Danilo Iervolino
Owner US Salernitana 1919

#Salernitana #Iervolinos #letter #Granata #fans
– 2024-08-17 05:06:51

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