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Sale of Sampdoria, Pallotta chooses Deutsche Bank: the details

The offer of the Anglo-American fund which would refer to Pallotta is already expected for next week: Deutsche Bank choice

The transfer of the Sampdoria it can no longer be postponed. Without new ownership the ghost of bankruptcy approaches. The Dorian club, whose property is being investigated and economically unable to meet its financial commitments, needs fresh capital. On the funds front it is the Anglo-American one that would refer to James Pallotta to be ahead and, as he reports The Republicable to make its first offer as early as next week. The bank chosen for the financial transaction would be German bank.

The feeling is that the funds, which respond to the strict diktats imposed by their subscribers, they will not match the figure of forty million euros asked by Gianluca Vidal to meet the commitments with the agreements (external finance up to a maximum of 33 million euros) and the debts of the parent company of SportSpettacolo (Holding Max). At that point, in the absence of evidence of group funds Al Tanithe ball will pass to the trustee ea Maximum Ferrero.

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