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Salah Abdeslam regrets Paris attacks: ‘Hate me in moderation’

The apology came at the end of his three-day testimony. “I want to express my condolences and apologize to all the victims,” ​​said the 32-year-old man. “I know hatred is permanent. I ask you today to hate me in moderation.” He also asked for forgiveness.

130 dead, hundreds injured

The jihadist attacks on Bataclan concert hall and the Stade de France stadium, among other things, left 130 people dead and hundreds injured. Shots were fired at the victims and bombs were also set off. Abdeslam was the only survivor to flee. He was arrested in Molenbeek in Belgium in March 2016. Here’s what happened in the attacks:

Abdeslam was wearing a bomb belt in Paris. It didn’t go off. The man himself says that he had changed his mind, but according to a co-defendant, who allegedly provided weapons and logistical support, Abdeslam did not dare.

The other suspect thought he remembered that Abdeslam said a day after the attacks that his bomb belt was not working. Abdeslam had previously admitted to lying about his bomb belt.

A total of 20 suspects are on trial in the court in Paris. Abdeslam is the only one directly charged with murder, attempted murder and hostage-taking. During the trial, the suspects answer questions about, among other things, the origin of the weapons and the planning of the attacks.

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