Home » today » News » Saklek’s Responses to Adjutant General Inspector Ferdy Sambo before Komnas HAM regarding the Allegation of Brutal Torture against Brigadier J: Instead of Laughing

Saklek’s Responses to Adjutant General Inspector Ferdy Sambo before Komnas HAM regarding the Allegation of Brutal Torture against Brigadier J: Instead of Laughing

JakartaKomnas HAM commissioner Choirul Anam said his party revealed that they had received full information from all former aides Head of Propam Inspector General Ferdy Sambo related to the death case Brigadier J.

According to him, Komnas HAM has summoned all aides, including Bharada E suspected of being the perpetrator of the shooting of a fellow police officer.

However, he emphasized that there was one aide, Ferdy Sambo, who had not fulfilled the call of Komnas HAM.

The figure of Brigadier J. (ist)

“The other one (adjutant, ed) will try to be summoned. Regarding his whereabouts, you can ask the police,” he said at Komnas HAM, Central Jakarta, Tuesday (26/7/2022).

Choirul Anam explained the results of the investigation to all of Ferdy Sambo’s aides regarding the relationship with Brigadier J.

According to him, Komnas HAM wants to get clear information regarding the conditions before the incident.

“So, how are all the adjutants related to Brigadier J and Ferdy Sambo? We also pulled back before the incident when the journey from Magelang to Jakarta, are you in a state of tension or laughter?” he added.

From the results of the initial examination, he said, Ferdy Sambo’s aides said the same thing, namely in normal conditions.

According to him, the six aides who were examined were asked to describe the conditions prior to the shootout.

“We asked everyone to describe the event in detail. They said they were laughing while traveling from Magelang to Jakarta,” he said.

Inspector General of Police Ferdy Sambo and Brigadier J. (ist)

Previously, Brigadier J .’s family attorney, Komaruddin Simanjuntakasked the National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) and the special team of the National Police who handled this case, to conduct an investigation along the route of his client’s journey while escorting the Head of the National Police Propam Division, Inspector General of Police Ferdy Sambo from Magelang to Jakarta.

The request, Komaruddin explained, needed to be done because his party felt that there was an attempted murder crime that was planned along the way to Jakarta.

Claim Threatened then Killed

Brigadier Nofriansyah Yosua Hutabarat’s family lawyer, Jhonson Simanjuntak, said that if the death Brigadier Jsuspected of assault and premeditated murder.

Jhonson admitted, from reports made by Brigadier J’s family, regarding the evidence of threats he found, all of them had been submitted to investigators, starting from June 6 last.

“For all the evidence of threats that we have, we have submitted all of them to the investigators, and have been in the BAP as well, and of course we continue to explore to what extent. Since last June 6,” said Jhonson Simanjuntak, Wednesday (27/07) early morning .

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