Home » today » News » Saint-Martin-d’Heres. Withdrawal from the municipality of Sitpi: it’s validated!

Saint-Martin-d’Heres. Withdrawal from the municipality of Sitpi: it’s validated!

It’s a soap opera, after months of tumult between the two parties, which is coming to an end…

During the municipal council before the summer break on June 29, elected officials voted to withdraw the municipality of Sitpi, this inter-municipal union for telecommunications and computer services born in 1974, which is used in particular to publish pays agents, electoral cards and coordinates the services offered to users in the libraries. This vote, which is not the first of its kind in this case, this time takes on a particularity: it comes after a favorable vote (after tough negotiations) by the Sitpi union committee – it was on June 9 – which refused until then the exit of the City of the union. A vote which was also followed – it is the rule – by the approval of the member historic municipalities (Échirolles, Fontaine and Le Pont-de-Claix) during their respective municipal councils.

Staying in the library network

However, the output is not…

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