Home » today » News » Saint-Martin-d’Hères. Innotrophies of the CCI of Grenoble: the Martinéroise company Champiloop rewarded

Saint-Martin-d’Hères. Innotrophies of the CCI of Grenoble: the Martinéroise company Champiloop rewarded

A few months after having been national winner of the call for Fertile Quarters projects, it is today the Innotrophées of the CCI of Grenoble which reward it …

The Champiloop company, created by Maxime Boniface and Hamid Sailani in 2020, won, a few days ago, in front of 31 partners of the Ecobiz network, the Social and Solidarity Economy Trophy.

The prize was presented to them at the World Trade Center in Grenoble by Yann Laurent, manager of Casabio, and Elizabeth Debeunne, vice-president of Grenoble Alpes Métropole in charge of the social, solidarity and circular economy.

The Innotrophées have been organized every year for 12 years and aim to identify, promote and support innovative project leaders in the Sud-Isère region. Active in Eybens, Champiloop is preparing the opening of a second mushroom farm in the town of Saint-Martin-d’Hères. In partnership with the City, the young company will rehabilitate a disused 1,000 m² parking lot to quadruple its production capacity and install the equipment necessary for the production of organic and local substrates.

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